Evaluation of Potential Danger Spots for Motorcyclists Based on Driving Dynamics Data

In Austria, the number of accidents in the traffic sector has generally been declining for a long time, but this trend does not apply to single-track motor vehicles.

Based on analyses of accident data and the collection of subjective impressions of motorcyclists after driving on selected routes, the research approach of this project is the collection of driving dynamics data. The combination of the actual accident data, the feedback from the riders and the measured data from the test rides forms the basis for an estimation of possible hazard potentials of the road sections travelled.

Critical sections of race route

Figure 1: Routes with potential danger

In cooperation with AIT, a specially equipped high-tech measuring motorbike, the Motorcycle Probe Vehicle (MoProVe), was built. The road-legal KTM 1290 Super Adventure was equipped with a camera system, steering angle- and acceleration sensors, a dGPS-positioning system and CAN-readers. The largely automated analysis enables the detection of road sections that are particularly risky for motorcyclists.

KTM & TU Wien motorcycle from the side

Figure 2: Motorcycle with measurement equipment

As a result, for the first time, hazard maps based on driving dynamics can be generated for motorbike routes. In addition to known accident data, such a "hazard map" (see figure below) can also show changes in the infrastructure (e.g. changes in skid resistance). Such hazard maps could also serve as a basis for motorcycle-specific Road Safety Inspections (RSI). The aim is to prevent accidents before they happen.


For a presentation of the project viaMotorrad with all the facts and project procedure (in German) watch the video

After activation, data may be transmitted to third parties. Data protection declaration., opens in new window

Video: Presentation of the project viaMotorrad (2018) in German


Ecker, Horst, and Stefan Litschauer. "Experimental Study on Lane Change Maneuvers With a Motorcycle., opens an external URL in a new window" In International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, vol. 83938, p. V004T04A001. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2020.

Litschauer, Stefan, and Horst Ecker. "Fahrversuche und Analyse des Fahrstreifenwechsels mit Motorrädern, opens an external URL in a new window." In Web-Proceedings of 13th International Motorcycle Conference, p. 22. 2020.

Schwiegera, Klemens, Horst Eckerb, Andreas Hulaa, and Manfred Neumannb. "Identification of patterns in motorcycle riding dynamics at known accident sites, opens an external URL in a new window." In 8th Transport Research Arena TRA 2020. 2020.

Schwieger, Klemens, Andreas Hula, Peter Saleh, Horst Ecker, and Manfred Neumann. "Avoiding Motorcycle Accidents by Motorcycle Risk Mapping, opens an external URL in a new window." In Web-Proceedings of 13th International Motorcycle Conference, p. 8. 2020.

Hula, Andreas, Klemens Schwieger, Peter Saleh, Manfred Neumann, and Horst Ecker. "Objectifying and Predicting Motorcycle Accident Risk through Riding Dynamics, opens an external URL in a new window." In 26th International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles (ESV): Technology: Enabling a Safer TomorrowNational Highway Traffic Safety Administration, no. 19-0253. 2019.

Schwieger, Klemens, Peter Saleh, Andreas Hula, Horst Ecker, and Manfred Neumann. "viaMotorrad–Can motorcycle safety be measured?" In 12th International Motorcycle Conference Cologne. 2018.

Saleha, Peter, Horst Eckerb, Klemens Schwiegera, Manfred Neumannb, and Isabela Erdeleana. "Gathered riding dynamics data for semi-automated risk assessment of roads, opens an external URL in a new window." In Proceedings of 7th Transport Research Arena TRA 2018, p. 10. Transport Research Arena, 2018.

Ecker, Horst, and Peter Saleh. "MoProVe-A probe vehicle for traffic accident research, opens an external URL in a new window." In EVU Proceedings 25th Annual Congress, pp. 29-41. EDIS-Editing Centre of University of Zilina, 2016.


Project Partners

  • AIT
  • KTM

Project Duration

2017 - 2019


Ao.Univ.-Prof.i.R. Horst Ecker

University Lecturer, Research Unit of Technical Dynamics and Vehicle System Dynamics

Send email to Horst Ecker

Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Johannes Edelmann

Head, Research Unit of Technical Dynamics and Vehicle System Dynamics

Send email to Johannes Edelmann