[Translate to English:] IFM Institut TU Wien

                                                 Pioneering research

Our research group focuses on the hot topics and innovations in the real estate and facility management industry. We examine these scientifically and analyze emerging trends and future-oriented innovations in order to identify further developments in the industry at an early stage.

We focus our research not only on the digital transformation of the real estate industry, but also on modern working environments, sustainability and ESG.

With currently more than 14.5 million employees in real estate operations in Europe alone, digital change is a particularly important industry goal in order to keep up with the times and keep up with the competition. This is exactly where real estate and facility management combine with pioneering research.


                               Effects of digitalization on the real estate industry

The effects of digital innovations shape the real estate industry and stimulate its development. Examples of this are:

  • The working environment and associated services adapt to digital change.
  • New technologies (such as IoT, AI, ML) enable disruptive process changes.
  • Service on Demand offers the same or even better quality at the same cost.

Our research has its finger on the pulse of the times and follows the industry-driving impulses of digitalization.