On 28 February 2025, together we turned the Fifth Austrian Day of Women in Mathematics into a fantastic event!

ADWiM2025 at TU Wien was organized by the Austrian Association of Women in Mathematics, opens an external URL and hosted by fem*MA, the network of women in mathematics at TU Wien.

We all enjoyed the three planery talks, four contributed sessions of in total 24 talks by female and non-binary students and postdocs and a poster session. In the panel discussion, together with our four panelists, we discussed about the role of third-party funding for career development in academia. Thanks to our panelists Professor Christof Gattringer, opens an external URL in a new window president of Austrian Science Fund FWF, opens an external URL, Professor Alberta Bonanni, opens an external URL in a new window Vice rector for research snd international affairs at JKU, Professor Erika Hausenblas, opens an external URL in a new window member of scientific board of FWF, and Professor Sara Merino Aceituno, opens an external URL in a new window vice dean for diversity, equity, and inclusion at Uni Wien for shareing their experiences and views.

Special thanks to Vice rector Ute Koch and Professor Dirk Praetorius Head of Institute of Analysis and Scientific Computing at TU Wien to open our event, and for their support.

Thanks also to the sponsors of our event Technische Universität Wien, fem*MA, University of Vienna, and the City Vienna.

Thank you for your support, and for all the helping hands! Hope to see you again in the next ADWiM!

Photos by Sonja Murczek, Grigorii Stepanov, and Andrea Scaglioni.

 Opening ADWiM2025 by VR Ute Koch

Opening ADWiM2025 by VR Ute Koch

Opening ADWiM2025 by Dirk Praetorius

Opening ADWiM2025 by Dirk Praetorius

 Panel discussion ADWiM2025

Panel discussion ADWiM2025

Group photo ADWiM2025

Group photo ADWiM2025