fem*MA is hosting the fifth “Austrian Day of Women in Mathematics” on 28 February 2025, organized by the Austrian Association of Women in Mathematics, opens an external URL in a new window.

The conference will take place in the TU the Sky, opens an external URL in a new window room at Getreidemarkt 9, 1060 Vienna.

The aim of this event is to bring mathematicians together to:

  • highlight achievements of women and non-binary mathematicians

  • develop a network which fosters interdisciplinary collaborations

  • promote mutual support, such as career advice and mentoring

  • give young women and non-binary researchers the opportunity to present their work

  • discuss hot topics

Presenters: women and non-binary speakers

Participants: all genders - come and support your peers and listen to their exciting research!


Notice: Please note that photos will be taken during the event.

The registration and the submission of abstracts is closed.

Social Dinner

On February 27, 2025, at 7 pm there will be a networking dinner at Heuriger 10er Marie (Ottakringer Straße 222/224, 1160 Wien). The dinner is sponsored by the City of Vienna, fem*MA at TU Wien, and the Department of Mathematics at Uni Wien.


Alberta Bonanni (vice rector of JKU Linz)

Alberta Bonanni

© Robert Maybach

Christof Gattringer (president of the FWF)

[Translate to English:] Christof Gattringer

Erika Hausenblas (member of the FWF Kuratorium)

[Translate to English:] Erika Hausenblas

Sara Merino-Aceituno (Assoc.-Prof. at the University of Vienna)

[Translate to English:] Sara Merino-Aceituno

Scientific Committees

  • Verena Bögelein (Paris London Universität Salzburg, A2WiM)

  • Eranda Dragoti-Cela (TU Graz, A2WiM)

  • Sylvia Frühwirth-Schnatter (WU Wien, A2WiM)

  • Sandra Müller (TU Wien, A2WiM, fem*MA)

  • Elena Resmerita (Universität Klagenfurt, A2WiM)

  • Susanne Saminger-Platz (JKU Linz, A2WiM)

  • Mechthild Thalhammer (Leopold-Franzens Universität Innsbruck, A2WiM)


  • Eranda Dragoti-Cela (TU Graz, A2WiM)

  • Sylvia Frühwirth-Schnatter (WU Wien, A2WiM)

  • Liling Ko (TU Wien, fem*MA)

  • Hannah Kuhn (TU Wien, fem*MA)

  • Sandra Müller (TU Wien, A2WiM, fem*MA, co-chair)

  • Ani Miraçi (TU Wien, fem*MA)

  • Beata Ondrusova (JKU Linz, A2WiM)

  • Leila Taghizadeh (TU Wien, A2WiM, fem*MA, co-chair)

  • Mechthild Thalhammer (Leopold-Franzens Universität Innsbruck, A2WiM)

  • Jana Vrablikova (JKU Linz, A2WiM)

  • Lena Wallner (TU Wien, fem*MA)

Austrian Association of Women in Mathematic
fem*MA Logo
TU Wien Logo
[Translate to English:] Stadt Wien Logo
[Translate to English:] Logo Uni Wien
[Translate to English:] Logo DEI Mathematik Uni Wien

This website is managed by Hannah Kuhn (hannah.kuhn@tuwien.ac.at) and Lena Wallner (lena.wallner@tuwien.ac.at).