We also continuously update our list of current preprints of institute members which include the links to arXiv.


The internationally recognised expertise of the faculty members is reflected in the participation of the institute in the Collaborative Research Center "Taming Complexity in PDE systems, opens an external URL in a new window" (grant SFB F65 of the FWF; deputy head: Prof. Anton ARNOLD, opens an external URL in a new window).

Furthermore, the institute is actively involved in the excellence initiatives

Publications (peer-reviewed)

At the Institute of Analysis and Scientific Computing, over 60 scientists in more than 15 research groups are working on problems in pure and applied mathematics. Most of our research topics are from the TU Wien's focal areas of research in Computational Science and Engineering as well as Quantum Physics and Quantum Technologies. For us it is paramount to further development mathematics and its appliance. 


Currently, around 25 projects with a total funding volume of more than € 13 Mio are running at the Institute of Analysis and Scientific Computing, funded by various organisations, including FWF, WWTF, AIT, EU, and Siemens.

In particular, we would like to highlight the following projects: