Doctoral Studies
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The core of the doctoral programme at TU Wien is the student's own scientific research performance. With the acquired new knowledge, an important contribution is made to the development of science. The dissertation at the end of the doctorate represents the summary of the results of this research work.
The doctoral programme usually lasts for six semesters (standard period of study). In addition to the dissertation, the current standardised programme for doctoral students stipulates that a total of 180 ECTS of modules (162 ECTS of which are the dissertation, 18 ECTS courses) must be completed. The independent research for the preparation of the dissertation must be supervised by a person with authorisation to teach (habilitated or appointed).
More detailed information on the selection of courses can be found in the curriculum, opens an external URL in a new window (pdf) or obtained from the Dean's Office.
The doctoral programme concludes with the viva voce, a board examination with the defence of the dissertation.
Admission to a doctoral programme at the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering is granted upon completion of a qualifying master's or diploma programme.
Admission is granted with the necessary documents during the admission period, opens in new window at the Department of Studies, opens in new window.
Furthermore, the confirmation of a supervisor of the dissertation must be available for admission. All professors of the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering can act as supervisors.
However, as there is no obligation to supervise dissertations, please clarify the topic and the supervisor in advance of enrolment!
Admission depends on whether sufficient Austrian or international previous education has been obtained.
Admission with a degree from a university of applied sciences
A degree from a relevant Fachhochschule degree programme pursuant to § 3 FHStG also qualifies for admission to a doctoral programme, extended by up to two semesters.
As stated in the ordinances of the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research, Fachhochschule graduates must complete prescribed basic subjects of 24 semester hours, subject-specific supplementary subjects and specialisation subjects of 10 semester hours each within the framework of the doctoral studies extended by two semesters.
After completing these courses in the first year, graduates of universities of applied sciences are on an equal footing with graduates of universities in doctoral studies.
The selection of the courses is made in consultation with the student, the supervisor of the dissertation and the dean of studies.
Forms for Admission:
Application for admission to doctoral studies (pdf), opens a file in a new window
Admission Office
Karlsplatz 13, Stiege 1/EG
1040 Vienna, Austria
Phone: +43 1 58801 41188
Student council Doctorate
Information, networking and representation of interests for doctoral students and young researchers
Getreidemarkt 9
1060 Vienna, Austria
Email:, opens an external URL in a new window
The doctoral programme is designed for a standard period of study of 3 years.
In addition to writing the dissertation, 18 ECTS courses must be completed as part of the doctoral programme.
The courses are determined in consultation between the supervisor and the doctoral student. Before completing the courses, they must be reported to the Dean of Studies for approval together with the dissertation agreement (pdf), opens a file in a new window., opens a file in a new window
The courses serve the scientific deepening of the subject area of the dissertation.
Curriculum, opens an external URL in a new window for doctoral studies at TU Vienna.
Dissertation Agreement
After admission to the doctoral program, you have to submit the disseratation agreement with an one-page abstract on the content of the planned thesis to the Dean's office.
A report on the progress of the dissertation is to be submitted every year.
Dissertation Agreement (pdf), opens a file in a new window
Report on the progress (pdf), opens a file in a new window
If you choose a reviewer or examiner from another faculty of the TU Vienna or another university, you have to report it to the Dean's Office. The Dean of Studies decides based on the information supplied whether the selected person can act as a reviewer or examiner. Please make the request early.
Cumulative Dissertation
Usually, a dissertation is to be written as a monograph. In consultation with the supervisor and the Dean of Studies, a cumulative form can also be chosen.
The guidelines for the writing of cumulative dissertations of the vice rector for Academic Affairs and the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering are to be observed:
Guidelines of the Vice Rector (pdf), opens a file in a new window
Guidelines of the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering (pdf), opens a file in a new window
At the beginning, the cumulative dissertation has to be reported to the Dean's office using the form “Dissertation Agreement”
- Information can be found in the corresponding specialist literature in the TU Library.
- You can also inform yourself in the Code of Conduct (see Directives and Regulations) about the rules of scientific work at the TU Vienna.
- Template for PhD-thesis
For the registration to the doctoral procedure, the contact details of the designated reviewers according to § 23 (6) and the dissertation as a pdf file have to be submitted to the dean's office. According to § 23 of the study regulations (“Studienrechtliche Bestimmungen”), the dissertation is sent by the Dean of Studies to the reviewers for evaluation.
As soon as the reports have been received by the Dean's Office, the date of the doctoral examination (Rigorosum) can be coordinated.
The documents for the doctoral examination (Rigorosenakt) must be submitted to the Dean's Office of the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering no later than two weeks before the doctoral examination.
The doctoral examination is to be taken as a comprehensive examination in the form of a board examination open to the public before an examination senate. The doctoral examination comprises a scientific presentation (max. 30 minutes) by the candidate on the contents and results of the dissertation as well as a discussion and questioning on the contents and results of the dissertation and the thematically related scientific environment (max. 45 minutes).
Merkblatt Rigorosum (pdf), opens a file in a new window
Statistik Austria
Due to the ordinance on statistical surveys of students at universities, the electronic questionnaire UStat2, opens an external URL in a new window has to be filled in. With the documents for the doctoral examination (Rigorosum) you hand in the UStat2 confirmation or a written justification for the refusal at the Dean's office.
After successful completion of doctoral examination (Rigorosum) you can register for the graduation ceremony (Promotion).
The registration takes place in the department of data protection and data management, opens in new window
Doctoral Colleges
Overview of all ongoing and completed Doctoral Colleges at TUW, opens in new window.