
You can register for the ceremony via e-mail ( or in person.

Required documents for registration

  1. the completed registration form
  2. copy of the certificate (front and back) of your award of the academic doctoral degree
    Please ensure the accuracy of the provided data before submitting the certificate. Specifically, verify that the title of the dissertation and the effective date on the back page are correct. The doctoral certificate is an exact reproduction of the contents of this document, and must be strictly adhered to in the wording of the certificate issued by the Dean of Academic Affairs. We kindly request that you contact the relevant Dean's office if you notice any inaccuracy in your data.
  3. payment receipt or confirmation of the bank transfer for the doctoral certificate: 50,- EUR

This amount must be paid via online banking.

Our bank details: IBAN: AT46 3200 0000 0061 1228
                             BIC:    RLNWATWW
                             Recipient: TU Wien
                             Usage: Doktordiplom


Registration Form

You can obtain the application form at your responsible dean's office or at the Secretariat of the Department of Data Protection and Document Management at TU Wien (Karlsplatz 13, Staircase 2, 1st floor). Alternatively, you can download the form from our homepage.

Thank You Speech

At the graduation ceremony, it is customary for a short speech to be given by one of the graduates. If you are interested in giving this speech, please let us know when you register.

Important Information About the Graduation Ceremony

Please note that, for organizational reasons, only complete applications will be accepted until 12 PM on the day of the registration deadline. The exact dates for the registration deadline can be found below.

You will be informed about the exact time and procedure of the graduation ceremony by the Rectorate of TU Wien after the registration deadline.

Obtaining the Graduation Certificate Without Participation

It is possible to obtain the graduation certificate without attending the ceremony. The required documents and the cost reimbursement remain unchanged. The certificates are always printed during the next graduation ceremony and can then be collected at the Department of Data Protection and Document Management.

Upcoming Graduation Ceremonies

October 11th, 2024

Registration deadline August 23rd, 2024 until 12 noon

January 24th, 2025

Registration deadline November 22th, 2024 until 12 noon

April 11th, 2025

Registration deadline February 28th, 2025 until 12 noon

June 13th, 2025

Registration deadline April 25th, 2025 until 12 noon

October 24th, 2025

Registration deadline September 12th, 2025 until 12 noon

January 23rd, 2026

Registration deadline November 21st, 2025 until 12 noon