TU Vienna goes Central Germany

As part of the Integrated BIM Design Lab with this year's edition ‘BIM_Spa’, 20 students were able to travel to Alexisbad for the kick-off of the new #VDI competition.

After travelling by #ICE, the group arrived in Halberstadt almost on time. The headquarters were set up in the Halberstädter Hof, a half-timbered building that reflects the medieval structures in the region.

The next day, Carmen Niebergall from tourenreich (https://www.linkedin.com/in/carmen-niebergall-3568aa24a/, opens an external URL in a new window) and Prof. Ralf Niebergall showed us around Magdeburg. In addition to a wide variety of model buildings, a visit to b.t. innovation (https://www.linkedin.com/company/btinnovation/?originalSubdomain=de, opens an external URL in a new window) and an impressive tour of the Magdeburg City Hall, which is currently being renovated, were on the agenda.

On Friday, the Association of German Engineers (Verein Deutscher Ingenieure #VDI) invited the group to its place of foundation in Alexisbad, where the current ‘Integral Planning’ competition is taking place. The group took advantage of the glorious autumn weather to take a closer look at the area. Afterwards, the group travelled by steam locomotive to Quedlinburg – the largest heritage area in Germany – where they spent the evening together. The last item on the programme was the cathedral treasury in Halberstadt, which contains relics from the former diocese and has an impressive history.

It was a successful trip during which the students were able to learn a great deal about the architecture and history of the place and take it with them for their upcoming project.

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