Digital, integral course for the use of virtual reality in industrial data and building science

Project Description

While the combined use of IDS and VR is gaining ground in professional practice, emerging digital technologies, which are used in IDS and VR, are still marginal topics in the curriculum of students of civil engineering (BI), mechanical engineering (MB), industrial engineering and mechanical engineering (WIMB) and architecture (ARCH). Especially in the field of digital, integral factory planning, the use of Big Data and IDS with Multi-Objective Optimization can be used to optimize e.g. production plans or logistics concepts. In this use case, VR makes it possible to bring these optimizations visually closer. A corresponding linking of these results with a digital building simulation and digital production system planning enables the mapping of the entire value creation in a factory planning process. Therefore, it becomes very clear that the combination of these approaches enables the construction of a Digital Twin (DT)/Building Information Model (BIM), which unifies the common knowledge of the disciplines. This existing gap in research-oriented teaching in the field of IDS and VR is to be closed in the digiTeachVR project by building an integral, knowledge and learning platform


  • Students of BI, MB, WIMB and ARCH acquire fundamental theoretical and practical knowledge from the fields of IDS and VR, which provides them with an easier career entry and a head start in a digitally transformed industry.

  • TU Wien benefits from the development of an innovative degree program and infrastructure and positions itself as an innovation driver in the field of modern teaching programs.

  • Provides a contribution to the profiling of TU Wien under the motto "Technology for People" as an innovative university in the rapidly growing Industry 4.0 landscape, especially in the DACH region.

  • Students acquire this knowledge in a hybrid course, which is based on a digital, integrative knowledge and learning platform.