Welcome to the Institute of Spatial Planning of the Faculty of Architecture and Planning at TU Wien.

The Institute forms the overarching framework for nine Research Units and two Research Platforms. Detailed information about teaching and research activities as well as news can be found on the respective Research Unit's subpages.

Top News Research Units

Linda Dörrzapf with Federal Minister Martin Polaschek at the "Award of Excellence" 2023 ceremony
© BMBWF | elephant and porcelain GmbH | Gerald Mayer-Rohrmoser

Congratulations to Linda Dörrzapf on her award!

Auf dem Bild ist die Einladung zum Diskussionsabend am 11.12.2023 zu sehen
© Lina Martin

Invitation to the discourse evening on Monday, 11.12., 5 p.m. at TUtheSky for a practical reflection on the designability of transformation.

Lunch Lecture: Lokale Antworten auf aufenthaltsrechtliche Prekarität

The book "Lokale Antworten auf aufenthaltsrechtliche Prekarität" will be presented as part of a lunch lecture at the FAKTory bookstore from 12 pm

Radio Radieschen - cover art "Traffic of tomorrow?"
© Radio Radieschen

Presentation of MOVE mobility projects (thematic block "Climate-friendly city living space") & a radio report


TU Wien is the source of Deep Tech innovation in Austria. With the annual i²c Networking Friday – a conference dedicated to entrepreneurship as third…