Welcome to the Institute of Spatial Planning of the Faculty of Architecture and Planning at TU Wien.

The Institute forms the overarching framework for nine Research Units and two Research Platforms. Detailed information about teaching and research activities as well as news can be found on the respective Research Unit's subpages.

Top News Research Units

Auf dem Bild sind fünf Person zu sehen die vor einer Menge präsentieren
© Christoph Kleinsasser

Last week, the landuni event ‘Rural areas in focus: inspiration, innovation and cooperation’ took place.

Drei sechseckige Bilder nebeneinander zeigen verschiedene Bereiche. Links ist ein Zug in einer überdachten Bahnhofshalle zu sehen, in der Mitte zwei Personen in orangener Arbeitskleidung bei der Arbeit an einer Maschine, und rechts ein modernes Wohngebäude mit Balkonen und Grünflächen davor.

On 20 November, Franziska Sielker will be a guest in Brussels to present the first interim results from the ESPON House4All project and to discuss the…


Poster "FUTURE CITY: Beyond Asphalt"
© TU Wien | Faculty of Architecture & Spatial Planning, future.lab, research units Landscape, urban, ifoer

Join us on Wed, 17 April 2024 when speakers from various fields discuss current and future developments in public spaces!

Florian Frank and Leon Seger (research unit MOVE) at the Best³
© Florian Frank

The Institute of Spatial Planning was once again represented at Austria's largest education fair!

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What are the reasons for studying spatial planning at TU Wien? Why is the degree programme so future-oriented and the right choice for you?