All news at TU Wien

A sponsorship by the Vienna Science and Technology Fund (WWTF) has enabled a new research group to be established at the Technical University of…

The prestigious Red Dot Design Award has been awarded to Viennese jeweller Thomas Hauser, who uses special materials developed at TU Vienna in his…

Creating new tissue instead of transplanting hearts: At the Vienna University of Technology substances have been developed which allow to create fully…

Order tends towards disorder. This is also true for quantum states. Measurements at the Vienna University of Technology show that in quantum mechanics…

Researchers at the Vienna University of Technology show that a recently discovered class of materials can be used to create a new kind of solar cell.

Portrait: Dr. Aleksandr Ovsianikov
© TU Wien

Using Laser Technology, Aleksandr Ovsianikov from the Vienna University of Technology wants to create microstructures with embedded living cells. This…