All news at TU Wien

Status report & invitation Forum TU Vision 2025+

The Status report is online available. A "Forum TU Vision 2025+" will be held on December 14.

Your TU Vision 2025+ team is pleased to present the results of the one-year-process in its first status report: <link http: fileadmin t vision pdfs tu_vision2025_status.pdf _blank>, opens an external URL in a new window

The visioning process has highlighted a wish for more platforms offering possibilities for an exchange of ideas across faculties. The Vision 2025+ team hopes to fulfil this wish by opening a "Forum TU Vision 2025+".

The forum shall provide a venue of communication and exchange for all members of TU Wien. Every first Monday of the month we will invite internal and external speakers to discuss and develop visionary ideas. In case the first Monday of the month is a public or university holiday, the forum will take place on the second Monday.

How you can contribute:
  • Join the forum meetings
  • Join the discussions
  • Send ideas on potential speakers or discussion topics to the TU Vision 2025+ team: <link http:> 

The focus for the winter term 2015/16 will be on excellence. We cordially invite you to join us for the following meetings at Kontaktraum (Neues EI, Stiege I, 6th floor)     

  • Monday, 14th of December 2015, 6 pm Ron Naaman (Weizmann Institute, Tel Aviv)
  • Monday, 11th of January 2016, 1 pm Marieke van den Brink (Radboud University, Nijmegen)

The fora will alternate between 6 pm and 1 pm, in order to cater to the differing time preferences of all participants.

The printed version of the status report will be sent to you directly or to your secretariat within the next days. If you will not have received it by the end of next week, do not hesitate to contact us directly via e-mail: <link>

Core Team:
Ulrike Diebold, Christian Hellmich, Thomas Kiefer, Rudolf Scheuvens, Gerald Steinhardt, Gottfried Strasser

Project coordination: Julia Fellinger, <link>, T: +43-1-58801-406614