All news at TU Wien

Facility Management goes international

Professional MBA Facility Management offered in English

Employers are increasingly faced with a shortage of qualified staff and the inadequate motivation of their employees. Studies show dramatic changes: Over 50 % of employees are no longer motivated. New ways of working can help to overcome these problems. What is needed for this is an appropriate infrastructure.

Managing a building on a daily basis is more than making technology work and using human power: Users want to feel comfortable in the building. Executives create the office environment with the intention to motivate and retain their employees. Facility Management, with its holistic approach, creates added values - economically, ecologically and socially - as it provides the optimal infrastructure for new work environments utilizing savings potentials and productivity gains and thus contributing to the long-term success of the company.  

Well trained facility managers are therefore in demand both nationally and internationally. The Professional MBA Facility Management Program at TU Wien meets all these challenges. Based on an interdisciplinary facility management approach this MBA Program combines business competences with technical know-how focusing on Management, Business and Law. The postgraduate Master Program provides theoretical knowledge and processional know-how in general management as well as in real estate and facility management. Topics of increasing importance such as risk management, compliance, corporate social responsibility and sustainability are covered in the program.

New: program now offered in English
As of 22 September 2016 this MBA program will be exclusively run in English. As the program has become more and more international in its focus, participants and lecturers, this change will further enhance the quality and internationality of the program.

Target group
The target group of this MBA Program are persons who want to get further education for future management tasks in real estate and facility management. The program is also interest for those who want additional state-of-the-art training to successfully deal with the second largest cost items of a company – real estate and infrastructure.

Course focus
In addition to business management topics, the program focuses on management aspects of Facility Management such as Process & Risk Management, Legal Compliance, New Ways of Working and their consequences on Real estate, Facility Services, strategic and tactical Facility Management.

Practical relevance and Interdisciplinarity
Combining theoretical knowledge and practical know how is key as graduates of the program are supposed to directly apply their new skills. The interdisciplinary appro    ach of Facility Management is reflected in the curriculum: all subjects of engineering, business and law are synergistically interlinked.

Faculty from academia and industry
The faculty of the Professional MBA Facility Management Program are internationally renowned professors and experts (Europe, US, & Asia) who pass on their state-of-the-art knowledge and know-how in lectures and by interactive discussion in small groups. The top scientific and management qualifications of the faculty are one of the pillars of the postgraduate MBA program at TU Wien.

Admission requirements
An appropriate first academic degree (e.g. all Austrian academic degrees, Master or Bachelor degrees of a foreign university or university of applied sciences) or a comparable professional qualification in this field and at least two years of professional experience.

Key facts

Program structure   Part-time program, 4 semesters, organized in modules. This allows combining postgraduate study and work.  
Language of instruction English
AccreditationThe Professional MBA “Facility Management" Program is accredited by two internationally renowned quality assurance institutions, FIBAA and CEPI.
Next program start22 September 2016
Application deadline30 June 2016
For more informationen   <link http:> 

Univ.Prof. Dr. Alexander Redlein (Academic Director)
Dr. Man Wook Han (Program Manager)
Technische Universität Wien
Continuing Education Center
Operngasse 11, 1040 Wien
T: 01/58801-41701
<link http:> 

Picture: © shutterstock/Vladitto (edited)