All news at TU Wien

Gabriela Eder (far right) in Gabon

Recently, our colleague Gabriela Eder had the pleasure to join Fabian Amman from Bergthaler Lab (Andreas Bergthaler) for a field trip within the…

[Translate to English:] Putzroboter_Arm_1

TU Wien (Vienna) has developed a learning robot. If shown how to clean a sink, it can imitate human motions and adapt its knowledge flexibly to…

[Translate to English:] Florian_Egert

We congratulate Dipl.-Ing. Florian Egert for receiving the Faculty Prize of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology for his…

Marcus Franz Glaner, between Werner Lienhart and Christian Lidl shows the certificate for the Karl Rinner Prize

Dr. Marcus Franz Wareyka-Glaner is the 2023 Karl Rinner Prize winner - congratulations!

Group photo from the IWA austria

This year's General Assembly of the Austrian National Committee of the International Water Association, followed by ClubIWA 2024, took place on…

[Translate to English:] Roboterarm mit Waschbecken

TU Wien (Vienna) has developed a learning robot. If shown how to clean a sink, it can imitate human motions and adapt its knowledge flexibly to…

Ein Bild einer leerstehenden Erdgeschosszone.
© Elias Grinzinger

Excursion through the central area of Hernals as part of the seminar ‘Vacancy activation for temporary use’.

[Translate to English:] Portraitfoto von Florian Egert

The ICT congratulates the Dipl.-Ing. Florian Egert for receiving the Faculty Prize of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology…