Long-term interactions between transport, settlement structures and the economy

Economic development is intrinsically tied the development of transport and the spatial structure of settlements. Traditionally, transport has been to intense public intervention, most notably trough infrastructure construction. The interactions between transport planning, land-use and the regional economy are highly complex. As a result, even effects caused by a single policy measure can be difficult to understand.

The main aim of this research project is to shed light onto these highly complex interrelations by developing a operational model of Austria which portraits the economy and its spatial structure in dynamic interaction with settlement patterns and transport.

Project Database, öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster


G. Emberger, A. Mayerthaler, R. Haller:
"National scale land-use transport policy modelling (PDF), öffnet eine Datei in einem neuen Fenster";
Vortrag: The 12th World Conference on Transport Research, Lisbon/Portugal; 11.07.2010 - 15.07.2010; submitted  

R. Haller, A. Mayerthaler, G. Emberger:
"The System Dynamics of the "Invisible Hand": Simulating a Neoclassical Economy";
Poster: The 27th International Conference of The System Dynamics Society, Albuquerque/USA; 26.07.2009 - 30.07.2009; in: "Conference Proceedings", (2009), ISBN: 978-1-935056-03-4; S. 1.  

A. Mayerthaler:
"Policy scenario modelling with the land-use transport interaction model MARS Austria (PDF), öffnet eine Datei in einem neuen Fenster";
Vortrag: The 27th International Conference of The System Dynamics Society  , Albuquerque/USA; 26.07.2009 - 30.07.2009; in: "Proceedings of the 10th PhD Colloquium", (2009), ISBN: 978-1-935056-03-4; S. 1 - 7.  

A. Mayerthaler, R. Haller, G. Emberger:
"A Land-Use/Transport interaction model for Austria (PDF), öffnet eine Datei in einem neuen Fenster";
Vortrag: The 27th International Conference of The System Dynamics, Albuquerque/USA; 26.07.2009 - 30.07.2009; in: "Conference Proceedings", (2009), ISBN: 978-1-935056-03-4; S. 1 - 21.  

A. Mayerthaler, R. Haller, G. Emberger:
"Modeling land-use and transport at a national scale - the MARS Austria model (PDF), öffnet eine Datei in einem neuen Fenster";
Vortrag: 49th European Congress of the Regional Science Association International - Territorial Cohesion of Europe and Integrative Planning, Lodz/PL; 25.08.2009 - 29.08.2009; in: "Book of Abstracts", (2009), S. 1.

R. Haller:
"A dynamic model of transport and the spatial economy";
Vortrag: 49th European Congress of the Regional Science Association International - Territorial Cohesion of Europe and Integrative Planning, Lodz/PL; 25.08.2009 - 29.08.2009; in: "Book of Abstracts", (2009), S. 1.  

R. Haller, G. Emberger, A. Mayerthaler:
"A System Dynamics Approach to Model Land-Use/Transport Interactions (PDF), öffnet eine Datei in einem neuen Fenster";
Vortrag: REAL CORP 008 - Mobility Nodes as Innovation Hubs, Wien; 19.05.2008 - 21.05.2008; in: "Verkehrsknoten als Innovations- und Wissensdrehscheiben", (2008), ISBN: 978-39502139-4-2; 10 S.  

R. Haller, G. Emberger, P. Pfaffenbichler:
"National scale land-use and transport modelling: the MARS Austria model (PDF), öffnet eine Datei in einem neuen Fenster";
Vortrag: European Transport Conference 2007, Leiden/NL; 17.10.2007 - 19.10.2007; in: "Proceedings", (2007), 14 S.

Transport and the level and spatial structure of socio-economic activity


Transport and the level and spatial structure of socio-economic activity

The above Figure aims to illustrative the feedback, or two-way causality, between transport and spatial economic development; it also introduces a key distinction of the interaction, namely that between the overall level of socio-economic activity (for a given area) and its spatial structure within this area. It is important because it is very likely that different specific causal mechanisms are at work in each of the fields and because the implications are different importance at different levels.

Research Objectives

  • Summarize, validate and enhance the state of the art in theoretical knowledge on the interaction between transport, settlements and the economy.
  • Develop an operational model for Austria which portraits interrelations between transport the economy with its spatial structure and the settlement patterns.
  • Estimate the effects of given policies and projects in a "forecasting" approach".
  • Provide policy makers and stakeholders with an application to get "hands-on" experience with long-term system behaviour.