Aktuelles von der Wassergütewirtschaft

Rigorosum Gerold Hepp

On Thursday, December 7, 2023 our dear former colleague Gerold Hepp has successfully defended his PhD thesis titled "Reducing Bias and Increasing…

Porträtfoto Paul Kelterer

Our team just got stronger!
After completing the bachelor in civilengineering at
Technische Universität Graz, Paul Kelterer moved to Vienna to study…

Der neue TOC-Analyzer!

Besides investing substantial resources for the analysis of trace contaminants, it is important for us to ensure in the long-term reliable and…

Ankündigung Februarseminar 2024

The next edition of the traditional Februarseminar, organized by ÖWAV - Österreichischer Wasser- und Abfallwirtschaftsverband in cooperation with our…

Camila Cambui

Our lab team has a new member!

Camila Aguetoni Cambui started her academic education with a degree in biology at USP - Universidade de São Paulo and…

Überreichung des Umweltpreises an Norbert Kreuzinger
© Stadtgemeinde Klosterneuburg / Lutz

At the ceremonial meeting held on 6 November in Klosterneuburg, in the presence of the Governor of the Province of Lower Austria and other guests of…