Aktuelles von der Wassergütewirtschaft

DWA Landesverbandstagung 2023

Today Prof. Jörg Krampe gave a talk on "Sidestream nitritation for modern two-stage activated sludge plants" at the bi-annual conference of the DWA…

Porträtfoto Ralph Benco

A warm welcome to our new colleague Ralph Benco!
With a Bachelor in "Kulturtechnik und Wasserwirtschaft" (now Environmental Sciences and Environmental…

Which potential does the EU have to further reduce nutrients emissions via wastewatertreatment? With which costefficiency?
This new openaccess study…

Rote Nasen Lauf 2023
© Z. Saracevic

Whoever has the fortune to collaborate with our head of laboratory Dr. Ernis Saracevic knows well that he is a hard worker and that he is always…

Kleines Institutstreffen 2023
© M. Maurer

This year we had the pleasure of hosting the traditional "kleines Institutstreffen". Each year two PhD candidates and professors from Technische…

Klärwärterkurs 2023
© iwr

Advanced training for wastewatertreatment plant operators: mission accomplished!
Courses cancelled due to covid19 and a large demand from many new…

Water and resource management summer party at the Science Center in Arsenal! To favor a smooth transition between holidays and a new intensive winter term, the current and former colleagues of the research units led by Prof. Koen Blanckaert, Prof. Gunter Bloschl, Prof. Joerg Krampe and Prof. Helmut Rechberger gathered together for a great evening. There was even a musical highlight to celebrate Joerg Krampe' s 10th anniversary at the Technische Universität Wien!
© iwr

Water and resource management summer party at the Science Center in Arsenal!
To favor a smooth transition between holidays and a new intensive winter…

Jörg Krampe, Giorgi Forti, Heidi Schaar
© iwr

First day at the institute for our new international guest Giorgo Forti.
Giorgio is studying environmentalengineering at the Università di Trento,…