Environment Day

June 5 is World Environment Day. #OnlyOneEarth is meant to encourage people to use events and actions to build your Earth Action Number, and share…

Earth Day

April 22 is Earth Day. This year's theme is #InvestInOurPlanet - What will you do?

Fabian Kracmar

ETIA Alumnus Fabian Kracmar, MSc, MA (class 2019-2021) ist derzeit Praktikant im österreichischen Bundesministerium für Klimaschutz.

© Alfonso Navarro

March 18 is Global Recycling Day - Together we fight to reduce global pollution for a sustainable future.


At the beginning of March our MSc ETIA students visited the nuclear power plant in Zwentendorf, which was never put into operation.

Klaus Rapp

Get to know the lecturer for “Environmental Impact Assessment” in the MSc Environmental Technology & International Affairs program.