1.-6. April 2019 | Halle 3, Stand H20


TU Wien Team (1 woman, 11 men) standing side by side in 2 rows, on the right Christian Kiene (Advantage Austria - WKO) in fornt of the TU stand at Hannover Messe 2019

Das Team der TU Wien auf HM2019 – mit Christian Kiene WKO-Standleiter Advantage Austria (re)

dozens of people waiting at the entrance hall for the start of the Hannover Messe 2019.

some people get the dual-fluid-bed gasification explained infront and based on its model

on the basis of a presentation on a flatscreen 4 people get a deeper explananation of the dual-fluid-bed gasifictaion by 2 members of the research team

Vice Rector Fröhlich and Dr. Stefan Müller talking about the dual-fluid-bed gasification

a visitor talks to a memeber of one of TU Wien's reserach teams

3 visitors get let themselves explain the NGSolve software based on a simulation shown at a hologram pyramid

Some more visitors are interested in the NGSolve software.

On the left a woman talking to Christopher Lackner (TU Wien) abiut NGSolve, on the right the hologram pyramid shows a simulation of the softwares functionality.

A visitor asks for the 2-in-1-Laser Eye technology.

2 more people are interested in the 2-in-1-Laser Eye.

Vice rector Fröhlich (middle), Prof. Dr. Michael Harasek (right) and Dr. Bahram Haddadi (left) talk shopping about the 2-in-1-Laser Eye.

The "epoxi resin with self-curing technology" was introduced to some visitors.
On the left in the "NGSolve" area and on the right in the "Epoxy Resin" area, interested people are standing talking.

Daniel Grunenberg (TU Wien) explains the new "Epoxy resin" technology to a customer.

Richard Spießberger (left) and Andreas Brunner (right) – both from TU Wien – answering the questions of a visitor.

Richard Spießberger and visitors jokin'.

A TU Wien research member explaining the sensorless synchronous motor to visitors at the TU Wien stand.

Prof. Dr. Heimo Walter talking to a visitor about the highly dynamic heat storage.

Prof. Dr. Heimo Walter and a visitor at the TU Wien stand.

Distinguished visitor from vienna vice rektor Fröhlich (middle/right) with Prof.Dr. Michael Harasek (left), Dr. Stefan Müller (middle/left) and Peter Heimerl (right - TU Wien Research Marketing) at the TU Wien stand.
Prof. Dr. Joachim Schöberl (left) introduces Vice-Rector Fröhlich (right) to the secrets of the NGSolve software.

Prof. Dr. Andreas Werner talking to vice-rector Prof. Dr. Johannes Fröhlich at the TU Wien stand.

Andreas Brunner at the "Forum Automation" presenting the planetary motor.

Prof.Dr. Schrödl presents the functionally integrated gear box – a part of the planetary motor – at the forum "integrated lightweight plaza" infront of  a group of listeners.

Christoph Lackner (Vienna University of Technology) in dialogue with the moderator of "Science Square" with microphones and a flatscreen in the back showing details on Netgen/NGSolve software.

Daniel Grunenberg (TU Wien) explains the "Epoxy resin with self-curing technology" with a microphone in hands, infront of a camera and an audience at the "Science Square".

Christoph Schnöll in interview with an WDR-journalist at the TU Wien stand.

Prof. Dr. Schrödl in interview with an WDR-journalist infront of the planetary motor exponat at the TU Wien stand.

Prof. Dr. Schrödl in interview with an WDR-journalist at the TU Wien stand.

Prof. Dr. Schrödl in interview with an WDR-journalist infront of the planetary motor exponat at the TU Wien stand.

A journalist takes a photo form the 2-in-1-Laser Eye model at the TU Wien stand.

Christian Kiene (WKO) welcomes the audience at the Advantage Austria stand.

The Vice Rector of TU Wien, Prof. Dr. Johannes Fröhlich, talking to the audience at the Advantage Austria stand – Christian Kiene (WKO) next to him.

TU Wien's Vice rector, Prof. Dr. Johannes Fröhlich, talks to four other men sitting around a table trinking coffee.

  Julia Hofbauer explains the dual-fluid-bed gasification to a visitor in front of the model of the plant.

Anna Mauerhofer (TU Wien) at the TU Wien stand.

Josef Fuchs (TU Wien) uses the model to explain the dual-bed-fluid gasification to two visitors.

Prof. Dr. Michael Harasek and Dr. Bahram Haddadi Sisakht happily at the TU Wien booth.

TU Wien Logo on the front of the 2-in-1-Laser Eye model.

Prof. Dr. Michael Harasek (left) and Prof. Dr. Joachim Schöberl (right) talking in the meeting area of ​​the TU Wien stand.

The NGSolve hologram pyramid at the TU Wien stand – in the back right Matthias Hochsteger (TU Wien).

The hologram pyramid showing a simulation of the Netgen/NGSolve softwares functionality.

Two exhibitors (TU Wien) talking to some visitors at the TU Wien stand.

Dominik Wimmer (TU Wien) at the TU Wien stand.


Für weitere Informationen über den Auftritt der TU Wien bei Flugschauen, Messen und internationalen Ausstellungen kontaktieren Sie bitte:

Dipl.-Ing. Peter Heimerl  
TU Wien – Leiter, Forschungsmarketing
Favoritenstraße 16/ DG/ E058-04, 1040 Wien, Österreich
M +43 664 605883320
T +43 1 58801 406110