Porrät Ralf Takors

© Ralf Takors

Ralf Takors

Since 01.07.2009              Director of the Institute of Biochemical Engineering (Institut für Bioverfahrenstechnik, IBVT), University of Stuttgart www.ibvt.uni-stuttgart.de

2004-2009           Evonik Degussa GmbH, business unit Health & Nutrition; responsible for bioprocess development from lab to production scale, systems metabolic engineering

1997-2004           Professorial dissertation (Habilitation); Institut für Biotechnologie, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH / RWTH Aachen „Metabolic and Bioprocess Engineering – A Fruitful Symbiosis” Venia Legendi: Metabolic Engineering

1993-1997           Dissertation Biochemical Engineering (Dr. degree), Institut für Biotechnologie, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH / RWTH Aachen

1987-1993           Diploma: Mechanical and Process Engineering, RWTH Aachen, Germany

22.12.1966          Born in Koblenz, Germany, married, two children