TU 141.543 SE/UNI 260187
Freitag, 10:00 Uhr, Helmut Rauch Hörsaal Atominstitut

Kaffee/Frühstück 09:30 vor dem Helmut Rauch Hörsaal






08.03.2024 Henning Moritz Universität von Hamburg Comparing fermionic superfluids in two and three dimensions Julian Leonard
15.03.2024 Mirjam Wellenmann Universität von Genf Memory attacks in network nonlocality and self-testing Nicolai Friis
22.03.2024 Ziv Meir Weizmann Institut Toward quantum-logic control of homonuclear molecules Tomas Sikorsky
12.04.2024 Giulia Ferrini Chalmers Universität Göteburg tba Eliza Agudelo Ospina
19.04.2024 Peter Hommelhoff Universität von Erlangen Ultrafast coherent electron dynamics in graphene - from petahertz-fast logic gates to Floquet dressing and valley currents Philipp Haslinger
26.04.2024 Lourenco Martins CEMES Toulouse Free electron spectroscopy seen through the prism of quantum optics Philipp Haslinger
03.05.2024 Tim Taminiau TU Delft tba Andrew Kanagin
17.05.2024 Antoine Browaeys Institute d'Optique, Palaiseau    Exploring many-body problems with arrays of individual atoms Julian Leonard
24.05.2024 Iva Brezinova TU Wien tba Jörg Schmiedmayer
07.06.2024 Richard Küng Universität Linz Learning to predict ground state properties of gapped Hamiltonians Philipp Haslinger
14.06.2024 Sebastian Will Universität von Kolumbien Creating and Exploring Bose-Einstein Condensates of Dipolar Molecules Stephan Roschinksi
21.06.2024 Birgit Stiller Max- Planck Institut für Licht Waveguide optoacoustics for quantum technologies and neuromorphic photonic computing Eliza Agudelo Ospina