Aktuelle Forschungsfelder
- Analyse von singulären/regulären Differential- und Algebro-Differential Gleichungen
- Numerische Lösung von singulären/regulären Differential- und Algebro-Differential Gleichungen
- A-posteriori Fehlerschätzungen, Defect Correction Algorithmen
- Gitterapassung in Kontext von Differential- und Algebro-Differential Gleichungen
- Software für Matlab
- Numerische Simulation von Anwendungen in den Natur- und Ingenieurwissenschaften
M. Hohenegger, E.B. Weinmüller, M. Wolde, Numerical treatment of singular ODEs using finite differences and collocation methods, APNUM 205 (2024), pp. 184–194. DOI 10.1016/j.apnum.2024.07.002.
L. Brugnano, F. Iavernaro, E.B. Weinmüller, Weighted least squares collocation methods, APNUM 203 (2024), pp. 113–128. DOI 10.1016/j.apnum.2024.05.017.
W. Auzinger, K.N. Burdeos, M. Fallahpour, O. Koch, R. Mendoza, E.B. Weinmüller, A Gauss-Newton continuation method for parameter-dependent boundary value problems using bvpsuite 2.0, AIP Conference Proceedings, June 2024. DOI 10.1063/5.0210220.
J.M. Gambi, C. Phipps, M.L. Garcia del Pino, J. Mosser, E.B. Weinmüller. M. Alderete, Deflection of Dangerous Middle-Size LEO Debris with Autonomous Space-Based Laser Brooms via Surgical Actions, Acta Astronautica, 2017, April 2024, pp. 75–88, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actaastro.2024.01.021.
J.M. Gambi, M.L. Garcia del Pinto, J. Mosser, E.B. Weinmüller, Starting Procedure for LEO Trackers to Autonomously Shoot at Reflecting Targets in Close Trajectories Using Very Narrow Laser Beams, submitted to proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Optronics in Defence & Security, Versailles, France, June 2022, https://doi.org/10.13009/EUCASS2022-6008.
W. Auzinger, K.N. Burdeos, M. Fallahpour, O. Koch, R.G. Mendoza, E.B. Weinmüller, A numerical continuation method for parameter-dependent boundary value problems using bvpsuite 2.0, JNAIAM J. Numer. Anal. Indust. Appl. Math., 16 (2022), pp. 1–13.
J.M. Gambi, M.L. Garcia del Pinto, J. Mosser, E.B. Weinmüller, Starting Procedure for Space-Based Laser Trackers to Autonomously Reach Far Distant Targets by Means of Very Narrow Laser Beams, Proceedings of the 9th European Conference de Aeronautics and Space (EUCASS), Lille, France, June/July 2022, DOI 10.13009/EUCASS2022-6008.
J.M. Gambi, M.L. Garcia del Pinto, J. Mosser, E.B. Weinmüller, Trailing formations of lightweight spacecrafts to deflect NEAs by means of laser ablation, Acta Astronautica 190, 2022, pp. 241–250; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actaastro.2021.10.006
F. Auer, W. Auzinger, J. Burkotova, I. Rachunkova, E.B. Weinmüller, On nonlinear singular BVPs with nonsmooth data. Part 2: Convergence of the collocation, APNUM 171, 2022, pp. 149–175.
W. Auzinger, T. Jawecki, O. Koch, P. Pukach, R. Stolyarchuk, E. Weinmüller, Some Aspects on [numerical] Stability of Evolution Equations of Stiff Type; Use of Computer Algebra, Proceedings of 17th MEMSTECH, Perspective Technologies and Methods in MEMS Design, Polyana, Ukraine, May 2021.
J.M. Gambi, M.L. Garcia del Pinto, J. Mosser, E.B. Weinmüller, Computational Procedure to Increase the Shooting Accuracy of Swarms of Space-Based Laser Trackers to Deflect NEOS by Means of Ablation, Proceedings of 7th Plenary Defense Conference, PDC, April 2021, Vienna, Austria.
J.M. Gambi, M.L. Garcia del Pinto, J. Mosser, E.B. Weinmüller, Computational Modelling and Simulation to Increase Laser Shooting Accuracy of Autonomous LEO Trackers, Photonics 2021, available online, article ID 8020055, DOI 10.3390/photonics8020055, 6 pages.
P. Amodio, A. Arnold, T. Levitina, G. Settanni, E. Weinmüller, On the Abramov approach for the approximation of whispering gallery modes in prolate spheroids, Appl. Math. Comp. 409, 2021, article ID 125599 (14 pages).
P. Amodio, C. Budd, O. Koch, V. Rottschäfer, G. Settanni, E. Weinmüller, Near critical, self-similar, blow-up solutions of the generalised Korteweg-de Vries equation: asymptotics and computations, Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena Volume 401, January 2020, article ID 132179, 16 pages.
J.M. Gambi, M.L. Garcia del Pinto, J. Mosser, E.B. Weinmüller, Numerical approach for the computation of preliminary post-Newtonian correction for laser links in space, International Journal of Aerospace Engineering vol. 2019, article ID 3723018, 7 pages, 2019.
M. Tung, E.B. Weinmüller, Acoustic Metamaterial Models on the (2+1)D Schwarzschild Plane, J. Comput. Appl. Math. 346 (2019), pp. 162–170.
J.M. Gambi, M.L. Garcia del Pinto, J. Mosser, E.B. Weinmüller, Post-Newtonian Equations for Free-space Laser Communications between Space-based Systems, Internat. J. Mech. 12 (2018), pp. 38–45 (proceedings of AMCME, Venice 2018, Italy).
Ch. Budd, O. Koch, L. Taghizadeh, E.B. Weinmüller, Asymptotic properties of the space-time adaptive numerical solution of a nonlinear heat equation, Calcolo 55 (2018), article 43, 14 pages.
M. Fallahpour, S. McKee, E.B. Weinmüller, Numerical Simulation of Flow in Smectic Liquid Crystals, APNUM 132 (2018), pp. 154–162.
J. Burkotova, I. Rachunkova, S. Stanek, E.B. Weinmüller, S. Wurm, On nonlinear singular BVPs with nonsmooth data. Part 1: Analytical results, APNUM 130 (2018), pp. 23–50.
L. Brugnano, G. Gurioli, F. Iavernaro, E.B. Weinmüller, Line Integral Solution of Hamiltonian Systems with Holonomic Constraints, Appl. Num. Math. 127 (2018), pp. 56–77.
J. Burkotova, I. Rachunkova, E. B. Weinmüller, On singular BVPs with unsmooth data: Convergence of the collocation schemes, BIT 57 (2017), pp. 1153–1184.
M.M. Tung, E.B. Weinmüller, Metamaterial Acoustics on the (2+1)D Schwarzschild Plane, Proceedings of IMM17, Modelling for Engineering & Human Behavior 2017, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Editors: L. Jodar, J.C. Cortes, L. Acedo, pp. 323-334, ISBN 978-84-697-8505-8.
J.M. Gambi, M.L. Garcia del Pino, J. Gschwindl, E.B. Weinmüller, Post-Newtonian equations of motion for LEO debris objects and space-based APT laser systems, Acta Astronautica 141 (2017), pp. 132–142.
P.M. Lima, M.L. Morgado, M. Schöbinger, E.B. Weinmüller, A Novel Computational Approach to Singular Free Boundary Problems in Ordinary Differential Equations, Appl. Num. Math. 114 (2017), pp. 97–107.
J. Burkotova, I. Rachunkova, E. B. Weinmüller, On singular BVPs with nonsmooth data: Analysis of the linear case with variable coefficient matrix, App. Num. Math. 114 (2017), pp. 77–96.
- M. Hanke, R. März, C. Tischendorf, E.B. Weinmüller, S. Wurm, Least-squares collocation for linear higher-index differential-algebraic equations, J. Comput. Appl. Math. 317 (2017), pp. 403–431.
- J. Burkotova, M. Hubner, I. Rachunkova, E.B. Weinmüller, Asymptotic properties of Kneser solutions to nonlinear second order ODEs with regularly varying coefficients, Appl. Math. Comput. 274 (2016), pp. 65–82.
M. Gambi, M.L. Garcia del Pinto, J. Gschwindl, E.B. Weinmüller, Post-Newtonian Corrections to the Newtonian Predictions for the Motion of Designated Tragets with Respect to Space Based APT Laser Systems, ECMI 2016 Conference Proceedings, Santiago de Compostella, Spain (2016).
R. Lamour, R. März, E. B. Weinmüller, Boundary-Value Problems for Differential-Algebraic Equations: A Survey, Surveys in Differential-Algebraic Equations III, DAE-F, A. Ilchmann, T. Reis (eds.), Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-22428-2, pp. 117–309.
E. B. Weinmüller, Collocation -- a powerful tool for solving singular ODEs and DAEs, AIP Conf. Proc. 1648, 020013 (2015); http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4912317.
J. Burkotova, I. Rachunkova, S. Stanek, E. B. Weinmüller, Analytical and numerical treatment of singular linear BVPs with unsmooth inhomogeneity, AIP Conf. Proc. 1648, 150004 (2015).
P. Amodio, T. Levitina, G. Settanni, E. B. Weinmüller, Whispering gallery modes in oblate spheroidal cavities: calculations with a variable stepsize, AIP Conf. Proc. 1648, 150019 (2015); http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4912449.
P. Amodio, C. J. Budd, O. Koch, G. Settanni, E. B. Weinmüller, Asymptotical Computations for a Model of Flow in Concrete, J. Appl. Math. Comput. 237 (2014), pp. 155–167.
A. Feichtinger, A. Makaruk, E. B. Weinmüller, A. Friedl, M. Harasek, Collocation method for the modeling of membrane gas permeation systems, J. Non-Linear Sci. Num. Sim., DOI 10.1515/ijnsns-2013-0113 (2014).
L. Aceto, C. Magherini, E. B. Weinmüller, Matrix methods for radial Schrödinger eigenproblems defined on a semi-infinite domain, Appl. Math. Comput., DOI 10.1016/j.amc.2014.05.075 (2014).
I. Rachunkova, S. Stanek, J. Vampolova, E. B. Weinmüller, On linear ODEs with a time singularity of the first kind and unsmooth inhomogeneity, Bound. Value Probl. 1 (2014).
J. Gschwindl, I. Rachunkova, S. Stanek, E. B. Weinmüller, Positive blow-up solutions of nonlinear models from real world dynamics, Bound. Value Probl. 2014:121 (2014), 23 pages.
M. V. Bulatov, P. M. Lima, E. B. Weinmüller, Existence and Uniqueness of Solutions to Weakly Singular Integral-Algebraic and Integrao-Differentail Equations, Centr. Eur. J. Math. 12 (2014), pp. 308–321.
P. Amodio, T. Levitina, G. Settanni, E. B. Weinmüller, Numerical simulation of the whispering gallery modes in prolate spheroids, Comp. Phys. Comm. 185 (2014) pp. 1200–1206.
G. Hastermann, L. Morgado, P. Lima, E. B. Weinmüller, Density Profile Equation with p-Laplacians: Analysis and numerical simulation, Appl. Math. Comput. 225 (2013), pp. 550–561.
P. Amodio, T. Levitina, G. Settanni, E. B. Weinmüller, Calculation of the Morphology Dependent Resonances, AIP Conference Proceedings 1558 (2013), pp. 750–835.
M. Tung, E. B. Weinmüller, Gravitational Frequency Shifts in Transformation Acoustics, Europhys. Lett. EPL, 101 (2013) 54006, DOI 10.1209/0295-5075/101/54006, 6 pages.
P. Amodio, T. Levitina, G. Settanni, E. B. Weinmüller, On the Calculation of the Finite Hankel Transform Eigenfunctions, J. Appl. Math. Comput. 43 (2013) pp. 151–173.
I. Rachunkova, A. Spielauer, S. Stanek, E. B. Weinmüller, Positive solutions of nonlinear Dirichlet BVPs in ODEs with time and space singularities, Bound. Value Probl. (2013) 2013:6, 22 pages.
I. Rachunkova, A. Spielauer, S. Stanek, E. B. Weinmüller, The structure of a set of positive solutions to Dirichlet BVPs with time and space singularities, Georgian Math. J., Ahead of Print DOI 10.1515/gmj-2013-0002, 33 pages.
A. Dick, O. Koch, R. März, E. B. Weinmüller, Convergence of Collocation Schemes for Nonlinear Index 1 DAEs with a Singular Point, Math. Comp., https://dx.doi.org/10.1090/S0025-5718-2012-02637-8 (2012), 26 pages.
A. Feichtinger, I. Rachunkova, S. Stanek, E. B. Weinmüller, Periodic BVPs in ODEs with time singularities, Comp. Math. Appl. 64 (2011), pp. 2058–2070.
G. Pulverer, G. Söderlind, E. B. Weinmüller, Automatic Grid Control in Adaptive BVP Solvers, Numer. Algorithms 56 (2011), pp. 61–92.
A. Dick, O. Koch, R. März, E. B. Weinmüller, Collocation Schemes for Nonlinear Index 1 DAEs with a Singular Point, AIP Conference Proceeding 1389 (2011), pp. 241–244.
W. Auzinger, H. Lehner, E. B. Weinmüller, Defect-based a posteriori error estimation for index-1 DAEs, BIT 51 (2011), pp. 43–65.
R. Hammerling, O. Koch, C. Simon, E. B. Weinmüller, Numerical Treatment of Singular ODE EVPs Using bvpsuite, AIP Conference Proceeding 1281 (2010), pp. 255–258.
G. Kitzhofer, O. Koch, G. Pulverer, Ch. Simon, E. B. Weinmüller, The New Matlab Code bvpsuite for the Solution of Singular Implicit BVPs, JNAIAM J. Numer. Anal. Indust. Appl. Math., 5 (2010), pp. 113–134.
I. Reichl, W. Auzinger, H.-B. Schmiedmayer, E. B. Weinmüller, Reconstructing the knee joint mechanism from kinematic data, Math. Comput. Model. Dyn. Syst.: Methods, Tools and Applications in Engineering and Related Sciences, 16 (2010), pp. 403–415, DOI 10.1080/13873954.2010.507094.
I. Rachunkova, G. Pulverer, E. B. Weinmüller, A unified approach to singular problems arising in the membran theory, Math. Anal. and Appl. 55 (2010), pp. 47–75.
G. Pulverer, S. Stanek, E. B. Weinmüller, Analysis and numerical solution of positive and dead core solutions of singular Sturm-Liouville problems, Adv. Difference Equ., Volume 2010 (2010), Article ID 969536, 37 pages.
I. Rachunkova, S. Stanek, E. Weinmüller, M. Zenz, Neumann problems with time singularities, Comp. Math. Appl. 60 (2010), pp. 722–733.
R. Hammerling, O. Koch, C. Simon, E. B. Weinmüller, Numerical Solution of Singular ODE Eigenvalue Problems in Electronic Structure Computations, J. Comp. Phys. 181 (2010), pp. 1557–1561.
O. Koch, R. März, D. Praetorius, E. Weinmüller, Collocation Methods for Index 1 DAEs with a Singularity of the First Kind, Math. Comp. 79 (2010), pp. 281–304.
J. Cash, G. Kitzhofer, O. Koch, G. Moore, E. Weinmüller, Numerical Solution of Singular Two Point BVPs, JNAIAM J. Numer. Anal. Indust. and Appl. Math. 4 (2009), pp. 129–149, published online 15.6.2009.
I. Rachunkova, S. Stanek, E. B. Weinmüller, M. Zenz, Limit properties of solutions of singular second-order differential equations, Boundary Value Problems, Volume 2009 (2009), Article ID 905769, 28 pages, DOI 10.1155/2009/905769.
G. Kitzhofer, O. Koch, E. B. Weinmüller, Pathfollowing for Essentially Singular Boundary Value Problems with Application to the Complex Ginzburg-Landau Equation, BIT Numer. Math. 49 (2009), pp. 217–245.
T. Sickenberger, E. B. Weinmüller, R. Winkler, Local Error Estimates for Moderately Smooth Problems: Part II -- SDEa and SDAEs with Small Noise, BIT Numer. Math. 49 (2009), pp. 217–245.
B. Karabay, G. Pulverer, E. Weinmüller, Foreign Ownership Restrictions: A Numerical Approach, published oline in Computational Economics 33 (2009), pp. 361–388, DOI 10.1007/s10614-008-9163-1, 2008.
W. Auzinger, H. Lehner, E. B. Weinmüller, Defect-based a-posteriori error estimation for differential-algebraic equations, Pamm Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 7 (2007), pp. 1023101–1023102, Proceedings of ICIAM 2007, Zürich July 2007.
S. Stanek, G. Pulverer, E. B. Weinmüller, Analysis and numerical solution of positive and dead core solutions of singular two-point boundary value problems, Comp. Math. Appl. 56 (2008), pp. 1820–1837.
I. Rachunkova, O. Koch, G. Pulverer, E. B. Weinmüller, On a singular boundary value problem arising in the theory of shallow membrane caps, Math. Anal. and Appl. 332 (2007), pp. 523–541.
G. Kitzhofer, O. Koch, P. Lima, E. Weinmüller, Efficient Numerical Solution of the Density Profile Equation in Hydrodynamics, J. Sci. Comput., 32 (2007), pp. 411–424, published online 26th March 2006, see https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10915-005-9020-5
T. Sickenberger, E. B. Weinmüller, R. Winker, Local Error Estimates for Moderately Smooth Problems: Part I -- ODEs and DAEs, BIT Numerical Mathematics 47/1 (2007), pp. 157–187.
R. März, O. Koch, D. Praetorius, E. B. Weinmüller, Collocation Methods for Index-1 DAEs with a critical point, Oberwolfach Report No. 18/2006, ID 06016, of the Workshop on Differential-Algebraic Equations, 15.4.–22.4.2006, Germany, pp. 81–84, see http://www.mfo.de/
W. Auzinger, E. Karner, O. Koch, E. B. Weinmüller, Collocation Methods for the Solution of Eigenvalue Problems for Singular Ordinary Differential Equations, Opuscula Math. 26/2 (2006), pp. 229–241.
Ch. Budd, O. Koch, E. Weinmüller, Computation of Self-Similar Solution Profiles for the Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation, Computing 77 (2006), pp. 335–346, published online 20th April 2006, see https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00607-005-0157-8
Ch. Budd, O. Koch, E. Weinmüller, From Nonlinear PDEs to Singular ODEs, Appl. Numer. Math. 56 (2006), pp. 413–422.
W. Auzinger, H. Hofstätter, W. Kreuzer, E. Weinmüller, Modified Defect Correction Algorithms for ODEs. Part II: Stiff IVPs, Numer. Algorithms, 40 (2005), pp. 285–303.
W. Auzinger, O. Koch, E. Weinmüller, Analysis of a New Error Estimate for Collocation Methods Applied to Singular Boundary Value Problem, SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 42 (2005), pp. 2366–2386.
W. Auzinger, O. Koch, D. Praetorius, E. Weinmüller, New A-Posteriori Error Estimates for Singular Boundary Value Problems, Numer. Algorithms 40 (2005), pp. 79–100.
W. Auzinger, O. Koch, E. Weinmüller, Efficient Mesh Selection for Collocation Methods Applied to Singular BVPs, J. Comput. Appl. Math. 1, Vol. 180 (2005), pp. 213–227.
W. Auzinger, H. Hofstätter, W. Kreuzer, E. Weinmüller, Modified Defect Correction Algorithms for ODEs. Part I: General Theory, Numer. Algorithms 36 (2004), pp. 135–156.
W. Auzinger, H. Hofstätter, O. Koch, W. Kreuzer, E. Weinmüller, Superconvergent Defect Correction Algorithms, in WSEAS Transactions on Systems 4, Vol. 3 (2004), pp. 1378–1383.
O. Koch, E. Weinmüller, Analytical and Numerical Treatment of a Singular Initial Value Problem in Avalanche Modeling, Appl. Math. Comp. 148 (2004), pp. 561–570.
W. Auzinger, O. Koch, E. B. Weinmüller, New Variants of Defect Correction for Boundary Value Problems in Ordinary Differential Equations, in Current Trends in Scientific Computing, Zhangxin Chen, Roland Glovinsky, Katai Li (Eds.), Contemporary Mathematics Series, AMS (2003), pp. 43–50.
W. Auzinger, G. Kneisl, O. Koch, E. B. Weinmüller, A Collocation Code for Boundary Value Problems in Ordinary Differential Equations, Numer. Algorithms, 33 (2003), pp. 27–39.
W. Auzinger, O. Koch, E. Weinmüller, Collocation Methods for Singular Boundary Value Problems with an Essential Singularity, Large Scale Scientific Computing, I. Lirkov, S. Margenov, J. Wasniewski, P. Yalamov (Eds.), Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS 2907, 2003, pp. 347–354.
O. Koch, E. B. Weinmüller: The Convergence of Shooting Method for Singular BVPs, Math. Comp. 72 (2003), no. 241, pp. 289–305.
W. Auzinger, O. Koch, E. B. Weinmüller: Efficient Collocation Schemes for Singular Boundary Value Problems, Numerical Algorithms 31 (2002), pp. 5–25.
W. Auzinger, O. Koch, E. B. Weinmüller: Theory and Solution Techniques for Singular Boundary Value Problems in Ordinary Differential Equations, Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics, M. P. R. Wyrzykowski, J. Dongarra, and J. Wasniewski, eds., vol. 2328 of Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (2002), pp. 851–861
O. Koch, E. B. Weinmüller, Iterated Defect Correction for the Solution of Singular IVPs, SIAM, J. Numer. Anal. 38 (2001), pp. 1784–1799.
O. Koch, P. Kofler, E. B. Weinmüller, Initial Value Problems for Systems of Ordinary First and Second Order Differential Equations with a Singularity of the First Kind, Analysis 21 (2001), pp. 373–389.
F. Frommlet, E. B. Weinmüller, Asymptotic Error Expansions for Singular Boundary Value Problems, Math. Models and Meth. in Appl. Sci. 11 (2001), pp. 71–85.
O. Koch, E. B. Weinmüller, Acceleration Techniques for Singular Initial Value Problems, N. Mastorakis (Ed.), Problems in Modern Applied Mathematics, World Scientific and Engineering Society Press, 2000.
O. Koch, P. Kofler, E. B. Weinmüller, The Implicit Euler Method for the Numerical Solution of Singular Initial Value Problems, Appl. Num. Math. 34 (2000), pp. 231–252.
P. Kofler, E. B. Weinmüller, Numerical Treatment of Singular Boundary and Initial Value Problems, Proceedings of Recent Advances in Applied Mathematics ("RAAM'96"), Kuwait City, Kuwait 1996.
W. Linzer, K. Ponweiser, P. Szmolyan, E. B. Weinmüller, Numerical Simulation of a Natural Circulation Steam Generator, Annals of Num. Math. 1, pp. 483–490 (1994).
R. März, E. B. Weinmüller, Solvability of Boundary Value Problems for Systems of Singular Differential-Algebraic Equations, SIAM J. Math. Anal. 24, pp. 200–215 (1993).
W. Linzer, K. Ponweiser, P. Szmolyan, E. B. Weinmüller, Ein Beitrag zum numerischen Verhalten von Naturumlauf-Dampferzeugern, Fortschritt-Berichte VDI (Verein Deutscher Ingenieure), Reihe 6, Nr. 284, Düsseldorf, Germany 1993.
W. Linzer, K. Ponweiser, P. Szmolyan, E. B. Weinmüller, Dynamisches Verhalten von Naturumlauf-Dampferzeugern, BWK (Brennstoff, Wärme, Kraft), Zeitschrift des VDI (Verein Deutscher Ingenieure) für Energietechnik und Energiewirtschaft, 7/8, VDI Verlag, Düsseldorf, Germany 1993.
E. B. Weinmüller, Stability of Singular Boundary Value Problems and Their Discretization by Finite Differences, SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 26, pp. 180–213 (1989).
E. B. Weinmüller, R. Winkler, Path-following Algorithm for Singular Boundary Value Problems, ZAMM 68, pp. 527–537 (1988).
M. Drmota, R. Scheidl, H. Troger, E. B. Weinmüller, On the Imperfection Sensitivity of Complete Spherical Shells, Comp. Mech. 2, pp. 63–74 (1987).
M. Gräff, E. B. Weinmüller, Testing of Error Estimation Procedures for Boundary Value Problems with a Singularity of the First Kind, Proceedings of the Annual Seminar "Oscillation, Bifurcation, Chaos", Toronto, Canada 1986.
E. B. Weinmüller, On the Numerical Solution of Singular Boundary Value Problems of Second Order by a Difference Method, Math. Comp. 46, pp. 93–117 (1986).
E. B. Weinmüller, On the Condition of Singular Boundary Value Problems, Appl. Math. Comp. 31, pp. 555–573 (1989).
E. B. Weinmüller, Collocation for Singular Boundary Value Problems of Second Order, SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 23, pp. 1062–1095 (1986).
M. Gräff, R. Scheidl, H. Troger, E. B. Weinmüller, An Investigation of the Complete Post-Buckling Behavior of Axisymmetric Spherical Shells, ZAMP 36, pp. 803–821 (1985).
E. B. Weinmüller, On the Boundary Value Problems for Systems of Ordinary Second Order Differential Equations with a Singularity of the First Kind, SIAM J. Math. Anal. 15, pp. 287–307 (1984).
E. B. Weinmüller, A Difference Method for a Singular Boundary Value Problem of Second Order, Math. Comp. 42, pp. 441–464 (1984).
H. J. Stetter, E. B. Weinmüller, On the Error Control in ODE Solvers with Local Extrapolation, Computing 27, pp. 169–177 (1981).
E. B. Weinmüller, Ideal Flow in Turbine Blades, Master Thesis, Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Polish Engineering Society, University of Technology, Poznan, Poland 1974.