• Numerik von PDEs
  • Finite Elemente Methoden
  • kontraktive iterative Lösungsverfahren für (nicht-)lineare Probleme
  • optimale Konvergenzraten und Rechenkosten von adaptiver FEM

  1. P. Bringmann, M. Brunner, D. Praetorius, J. Streitberger: Optimal complexity of goal-oriented adaptive FEM for nonsymmetric linear elliptic PDEs, Journal of Numerical Mathematics, published online first (2024). [www] (open access), [arXiv:2312.00489]
  2. M. Brunner, D. Praetorius, J. StreitbergerCost-optimal adaptive FEM for semilinear elliptic PDEs, accepted for publication in Proceedings of ENUMATH 2023 (2024). [Preprint]
  3. M. Brunner, D. Praetorius, J. StreitbergerOptimal cost of (goal-oriented) adaptive FEM for general second-order linear elliptic PDEs, accepted for publication in Proceedings of ENUMATH 2023 (2024). [Preprint]
  4. R. Becker, M. Brunner, M. Innerberger, J. M. MelenkD. Praetorius: Rate-optimal goal-oriented adaptive FEM for semilinear elliptic PDEs, Computers and Mathematics with Applications (2022). [www]  [arXiv:2112.06687]
  5. R. Becker, M. Brunner, M. Innerberger, J. M. MelenkD. Praetorius: Cost-optimal adaptive iterative linearized FEM for semilinear elliptic PDEs, ESAIM: M2AN (2023). [www]  [arXiv:2211.04123]
  6. M. Brunner, P. Heid, M. Innerberger, A. Miraçi, D. Praetorius, J. Streitberger: Adaptive FEM with quasi-optimal overall cost for nonsymmetric linear elliptic PDEs, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 44 (2024), 1560–1596 and 1903–1909. [www], [corrigendum], [arXiv:2212.00353] 
  7. M. Brunner, D. Praetorius, J. Streitberger: Cost-optimal adaptive FEM with linearization and algebraic solver for semilinear elliptic PDEs, [arXiv:2401.06486], 2024 (zur Veröffentlichung angenommen in Numerische Mathematik).


  1. M. Brunner: On optimal adaptivity for semilinear elliptic PDEs, "Taming Complexity in Partial Differential Systems" - PDE afternoon, Wien, 10. April 2024
  2. R. Becker, M. Brunner, M. Innerberger, J. M. MelenkD. Praetorius: Rate-optimal goal-oriented adaptive FEM for semilinear elliptic PDEs, European Conference on Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications (ENUMATH), Lissabon, 4.-8.  September 2023 (invited to Minisymposium on goal-oriented FEM)
  3. M. BrunnerA. Miraçi, D. Praetorius, J. Streitberger: Optimal cost of AFEM for linear elliptic PDEs, 2nd SFB International Workshop 2023 "Taming Complexity in Partial Differential Systems", Wien, 19.-21. April 2023 (Poster)
  4. R. Becker, M. Brunner, M. Innerberger, J. M. MelenkD. Praetorius: Rate-optimal goal-oriented adaptive FEM for semilinear elliptic PDEs, Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics, Wien, 29. August-2. September 2022
  5. R. Becker, M. Brunner, M. Innerberger, J. M. MelenkD. Praetorius: Rate-optimal goal-oriented adaptive FEM for semilinear elliptic PDEs, 16th Austrian Numerical Analysis Day, Linz, 4.-6. Mai 2022