
  • 2022 International Conference on Generalized Functions (GF2022). Wien, Österreich.

  • 2019 ÖMG Tagung 2019. Dornbirn, Österreich.

  • 2019 12th International ISAAC Congress. Aveiro, Portugal.

  • 2018 International Conference on Generalized Functions (GF2018). Novi Sad, Serbien.

  • 2017 11th International ISAAC Congress. Växjö, Schweden.

  • 2017 ALiM – Generalized functions, microlocal analysis, PDEs and dynamical systems. Turin, Italien.

  • 2016 International Conference on Generalised Functions (GF2016). Dubrovnik, Kroatien.

  • 2016 WING 2016. Innsbruck, Österreich.

  • 2014 International Conference on Generalized Functions (GF2014). Southampton, England (Hauptvortragender).

  • 2013 9th International ISAAC Congress. Krakau, Polen.

  • 2013 Generalized Functions and Non-Linear Problems. Campinas, Brasilien (auf Einladung).

  • 2012 Topics in PDE, Microlocal and Time-frequency Analysis (PDEMTA). Novi Sad, Serbien.

  • 2011 International Conference on Generalized Functions, Linear and Non-Linear Problems (GF2011). Martinique, Frankreich.

  • 2009 International Conference on Generalized Functions (GF2009). Wien, Österreich.