
Dr.-Klaus-Körper-Preis 2023 for Dr. Marco BRESCIANI

Foto Marco Bresciani

© Marco Bresciani

Marco Bresciani

Foto Marco Bresciani

The Dr.-Klaus-Körper-Preis is funded by the foundation Dr.-Klaus-Körper-Stiftung and awarded by the Association for Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (Gesellschaft für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, GAMM) every year.

Marco BRESCIANI has been a PhD student at the Institute of Analysis and Scientific Computing till Autumn 2022. After his PhD defense, he has joined the research group of Prof. Manuel FRIEDRICH at FAU Erlangen. Marco Bresciani’s dissertation entitled Existence results and dimension reduction problems in large-strain magnetoelasticity has been selected for one of the four Dr.-Klaus-Körper-Preise of the GAMM 2023, öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster. The award will be handed over at the opening ceremony of GAMM’s annual conference on Tuesday, 30.5.2023, in Dresden, Germany.

The Institute of Analysis and Scientific Computing congratulates Marco on earning this award!


Dr.-Klaus-Körper-Preis 2023 for Dr. Marco BRESCIANI

Foto Marco Bresciani

© Marco Bresciani

Marco Bresciani

Foto Marco Bresciani

The Dr.-Klaus-Körper-Preis is funded by the foundation Dr.-Klaus-Körper-Stiftung and awarded by the Association for Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (Gesellschaft für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, GAMM) every year.

Marco BRESCIANI has been a PhD student at the Institute of Analysis and Scientific Computing till Autumn 2022. After his PhD defense, he has joined the research group of Prof. Manuel FRIEDRICH at FAU Erlangen. Marco Bresciani’s dissertation entitled Existence results and dimension reduction problems in large-strain magnetoelasticity has been selected for one of the four Dr.-Klaus-Körper-Preise of the GAMM 2023, öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster. The award will be handed over at the opening ceremony of GAMM’s annual conference on Tuesday, 30.5.2023, in Dresden, Germany.

The Institute of Analysis and Scientific Computing congratulates Marco on earning this award!