TU Wien at the Hannover Messe 2018 | April 23-27, 2018 | Hall 5, stand D18

TU Wien is again present at the Hannover Messe this year and is exhibiting at the joint Austrian stand "Advantage Austria".

Find us at the Hannover Messe online catalogue 2018.

Contact: Peter Heimerl



CRYS: high performance for polymer composites
Light microcrystals with adjustable properties – very high mechanical, chemical and thermal stability >500°C – polyimides produced using „green methods“

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Hot lithography: 3D printing of components using high-performance plastics
Production of high-precision plastic components with excellent mechanical and thermal properties

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Electric Planetary Generator
Smaller volume and integrated gears

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Combined Velocity and Concentration Measurement for Liquids
High resolution measurement of laminar and turbulent mixing processes

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Modular pump turbine for efficient regional energy management
Stabilisation of medium-voltage grids – highly efficient and cost-effective

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High-performance thermal energy storage
Thermo-chemical energy storage system for utilising waste heat from 150°C to 400°C – highly dynamic, easy-to-handle, compact

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Decentral Supply of Green Hydrogen
HylyPure® NEW – innovative system component for H2 transport through the natural gas grid

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Fluorescence scanner for bitumen quality control
Handy, mobile, robust and fast – designed for the entire supply and processing chain

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Sensorless magnetic bearings
Increased safety at low cost – new bearing technology, ideal for high rotational speeds

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Sensorless Control for Synchronous Reluctance Motors
High energy efficiency without rare earth metals, increased reliability at lower production and maintenance costs

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Group photo - Hannover Messe 2018

Fair team: Prof. Johannes Fröhlich, Vizerektor für Research & Innovation (1. Reihe, Zweiter v.l.)

Impressions - day 2 - 01
Impressions - day 2 - 02
Impressions - day 2 - 03
Impressions - day 2 - 04
Impressions - day 2 - 05
Impressions - day 2 - 06
Impressions - day 2 - 07

v.l.n.r.: Kevin T. Kerrigan (Senior Vice President Michigan Automotive Office), Jeff Mason (CEO Michigan Economic Development Corporation), Rick Snyder (Gouverneur von Michigan), Peter Heimerl (TU-Forschungsmarketing), TU-Professor Manfred Schrödl

Impressions - day 2 - 08

Prof. Johannes Fröhlich (TU-vice principal for Research & Innovation), Kevin T. Kerrigan (Senior Vice President Michigan Automotive Office), Jeff Mason (CEO Michigan Economic Development Corporation)

Impressions - day 2- 09

TU-Professor Andreas Werner, Kevin T. Kerrigan (Senior Vice President Michigan Automotive Office), Jeff Mason (CEO Michigan Economic Development Corporation), Rick Snyder (Gouverneur von Michigan), Peter Heimerl (TU-Forschungsmarketing), TU-Forscher Peter Weinberger

Impressions - day 2 - 10

Kevin T. Kerrigan (Senior Vice President Michigan Automotive Office)

Impressions - day 2 - 11
Impressions - day 2 - 12
Impressions - day 2 - 13
Impressions - day 2 - 14
Impressions - day 2 - 16
Impressions - day 2 - 17
Impressions - day 2 - 18
Impressions - day 2 - 19
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Impressions - day 2 - 22
Impressions - day 2 - 23
Impressions - day 3 - 01
Impressions - day 3 - 02
Impressions - day 3 - 03
Impressions - day 3 - 04
Impressions - day 3 - 05
Impressions - day 3 - 06
Impressions - day 3 - 07
Impressions - day 3 - 08
Impressions - day 3 - 09
Impressions - day 3 - 10


Peter Heimerl
TU Wien – Research Marketing
Favoritenstr. 16/ DG/ E085-04, 1040 Vienna, Austria
M +43 664 605883320
T +43 1 58801 406110