We are responsible for handling the lecture fees for employees in teaching roles in accordance with Article 51 of the Salaries Act (Gehaltsgesetz) and for the payment of assistants for teaching under the "old service legislation" Article 52 Section 1 of the Salaries Act, as well as those on parental leave and teaching staff, that is, lecturers without a contract, emeritus professors, honorary professors, retired professors.

Additional activities are proportional entries in cost allocation for project assistants appointed to teach, and advice including calculating all matters relating to teaching.

Reviewing and entering secondary employment and bonuses from third-party funding also come under our remit.

Directives for the appointment and payment of independent teaching, opens in new window

  • Teaching-related payment for internal academic staff
  • Proportional entries in cost allocation for third-party staff appointed to teach
  • Recording and payment of the teaching of emeritus and retired professors, as well as honorary professors and staff taking parental leave who are engaged to teach
  • Reviewing and entering secondary employment and bonus payments
  • Payment of external public officials with lecture fees
  • Advising, including calculating all matters in connection with teaching roles

Depending on the employment or service contract, some employee groups are due a separate teaching payment for holding courses:

  • Employees in a teaching role who have a public official service contract (Beamtendienstverhältnis) receive lecture fees to pay for teaching.
  • Payment of teaching to assistants with whom separate payment for teaching has been agreed in the employment contract "based on contract staff legislation (VBG)".
  • Payment for teaching by externals, that is lecturers without a contract, emeritus professors, honorary professors, retired professors.
  • Recording and paying employees on parental leave who are engaged to teach.

college allowance

The teaching load allowance for tenured university professors and lecturers is to be paid in accordance with § 51 of the Salaries Act and for assistants under the ‘old service regulations’ in accordance with § 52 of the Salaries Act, paragraph 1.

If the tick boxes are ticked in TISS, the instruction for university professors and lecturers is made in 4 monthly instalments:

Winter semester: October – January

Summer semester: April – July

The instruction for university assistants under the ‘old service regulations’ is made in 6 monthly instalments:

Winter semester: October – March

Summer semester: April – September

Remuneration of university teachers for teaching, opens in new window

Separate compensation for teaching

Assistants who have not yet been transferred to the new collective agreement will be paid the teaching allowance in 6 monthly instalments in accordance with the Contract Staff Act, the Salaried Employees Act and the guidelines.

Compensation for the self-employed apprenticeship of the KV-Ass. with additional compensation for the apprenticeship according to the employment contract from 01.10.2010, opens in new window

apprenticeship pay

Teaching – Auxiliary means for commissioning and/or payment, opens in new window

Remuneration for independent teaching by university lecturers

Remuneration for the independent teaching of university lecturers, opens in new window

Further information on the topic of teaching is available here.