Enclosed you will find information and the guidelines for the respective admission process.

Information on the admission of new employees in the Application Management department

Guide to the recognition of work-related previous service periods, opens a file in a new window


You can find all the important information on this here.

Admission of project staff and student employees (formerly project assistants without a degree).
Admission procedure

In order to avoid delays, the Personnel Administration Department for General Personnel requires all relevant data for admission at least 2 weeks before the employee's planned start date. This data must be submitted by the institute to the Department of General Personnel using the Data sheet and staffing proposal form, opens a file in a new window (completed and signed).

It should be noted that the budgetary coverage of personnel costs must be ensured!

Necessary documents of the project employee:

  • Copy of identity card or passport
  • Residence permit and
  • Employment permit for non-EU/EEA citizens with the exception of Switzerland and for citizens of Croatia

Start of service

The start of employment may only take place after positive feedback from the Personnel Administration, Department of General Personnel!
The completed appointment proposal including all necessary documents must be submitted to the Department of General Personnel at least 1 week before the intended start of employment.
Special case FWF

The remuneration of project staff is based on the FWF's rates. These must not be undercut, but also not exceeded.

Before admission, the employment contract, the data sheet and the personnel proposal form as well as the personnel costs are submitted to the FWF for review.

The start of work can only take place after positive feedback from the FWF (takes approx. 2 to 3 weeks) and notification of the institute by the personnel administration.

Information on the admission of new employees from third countries

A freelancer is a person who undertakes to provide certain services to a company or corporation in return for payment without personal dependence, furthermore independently and free from restrictions on personal conduct. The work is essentially performed personally and without the use of own resources. The main difference between a freelance service contract and a genuine employment contract is that the freelancer can regulate the course of the activity independently and change it at any time, as well as be represented. In contrast to a contract for work, a freelance service contract requires a specific work performance and not a "work". Typical protective provisions and rights associated with an employment contract (e.g. 5 weeks' paid minimum leave, continued payment of remuneration in the event of illness, etc.) do not apply to a freelance service contract.

A freelance service contract is characterized by the following features:

  • Obligation to provide services on the basis of a freelance service contract
  • Essentially personal provision of services
  • No significant own resources
  • Freelance employees can generally be represented
  • No commitment to working hours and place of work
  • No involvement in the organizational process
  • Contract duration for a definite or indefinite period
  • Social insurance only if no other insurance exists due to this activity

Admission procedure

No advertisement is required for the position of freelance employee.

Please note that the budgetary coverage of personnel costs must be ensured!

Together with the data sheet for freelance employees (completed and signed), the following additional documents of the freelance employee must be submitted to the Department of General Personnel:

  • Copy of identity card or passport
  • Employment permit for non-EU/EEA nationals with the exception of Switzerland and Croatian nationals

Start of service

The start of employment may only take place after positive feedback from the HR department!

The appointment proposal must be submitted to the HR department in good time so that the intended starting date is in the future, but at least one week in advance. Registration with BVAEB must take place before the start of employment.

Starting with this issue, the invitations to tender will also appear in the newsletter every Thursday (on working days) at weekly intervals. Deadline: Friday of the previous week, 12:00.
The internal job market (mandatory for all job advertisements for general staff) is then also published weekly on Wednesday. Deadline: Friday of the previous week, 12:00.
Documents that reach us after the deadline will be published on Thursday of the following week.

Tenders must be sent to: ausschreibungen@tuwien.ac.at by the above deadline.


The HR department is working intensively on a project on the topic of onboarding, with various measures designed to address aspects of emotional onboarding and organizational onboarding in order to support structured, sustainable integration into the team. Here (INTRANET) you will find files that can make onboarding easier for you.