"Female technicians? There aren't any."

Oh yes there are! Female technicians at TU Wien can be found on this homepage. In 1908, the inaugural guest student at what was then still known as the TU Wien became the first of the female trailblazers – and we still follow in their footsteps to this day. With more than 90 years of women's history under its belt, TU Wien, as it is known today, has supported women with a range of life goals and career paths.

Through insight into real-life situations, inspiring advice and the palpable enthusiasm that they have for their careers, the female scientists interviewed here want to encourage women to build on their talents. They touch on the variety of technical careers, the rich array of research fields and the exciting future prospects that technical study can open up for women.

Time after time in the interviews, we are reminded of the importance of role models and of the fact that, for many female technicians, the support and encouragement they receive from fellow women are vital to their careers. We are also reminded that women should not allow themselves to be discouraged from pursuing their ideas and goals.