
“Finding instead of searching”


Universities are diverse and complex organisations that fulfil sovereign tasks and are also active in the private sector. The traceability and transparency of these activities was and is essential. By shifting ‘from paper to digital media’, organisations are facing major challenges. Therefore, the TU Vienna 2023 has decided to establish a records management system and to define this in the development plan.

‘One strategic goal for digitalisation in administration is the sustainable implementation of a TU Wien Records Management System (TURM) to ensure an efficient, secure and legally compliant solution for the management and storage of data and documents.’

The aim is to simplify everyday processes, facilitate planning, facilitate and enable enquiries about decisions made and activities, and document compliance with applicable legal provisions.

According to ISO 15489, records management involves the systematic control of the creation, storage, use and disposal of documents. The aim is to ensure that all important information is reliable and useful. The entire information flow, from creation to archiving or destruction, must be monitored.

Various components are necessary to achieve good records management. These include, for example:
- Defining guidelines and standards
- Integrating risk management and continuity management
- Documenting processes (audit trails)