TUesday Lounge Discussions for the Winter Semester 2024/2025
Dear TUesday Lounge Visitors,
We are pleased to inform you that the TUesday Lounge will reopen in December 2024. Join us for inspiring discussions and captivating topics:
December 3. How well does TU Wien prepare its students for working life? at 5:30 pm
University years are a formative phase of life, where students not only acquire technical knowledge but also lay the foundations for their professional futures and personal growth. But how well does TU Wien actually prepare its students for the diverse challenges of professional life?
In this panel discussion, alumni will reflect on how TU Wien prepares students for their careers and life beyond graduation. Drawing from their own resumes, the discussion will highlight the strengths of the education provided and explore areas with potential for improvement.
Organized in collaboration with TUW Alumni, this event aims to bring together a variety of perspectives and valuable real-world experiences, inspiring new ideas for the continued development of TU Wien’s educational programs.
Guests - Alumae et Alumni:
- DI Anne Altmeyer
- DI Dr. Tarik Berrada MSc, BSc
- DI Tobias Berger BSc
- Benedikt Hansa MSc, BSc
- Katharina Knezevic PhD, MSc, BSc
- Mag. DI Dr. Andreas Thöni
Silke Cubert, Head of the TU Wien Alumni Club
Gerhard Schütz, Biophysics
The language used for the panel discussion will be German, but attendees are welcome to ask questions in English.
The Lounge Talk will take place in the TUesday Lounge (Arnold Schmidt Room, formerly Kontaktraum, Gußhausstraße 27, 6th floor) at 5:30 pm. The lounge opens at 5 pm, and small snacks and drinks will be available.
We look forward to a fruitful exchange of ideas!
Your TU Vision Team
17.12 - Cultural Heritage: Shaping Contemporary Architecture at 5:30 pm
Heritage is a dynamic process that gives both the tangible and intangible cultures of the past a place in the present and future. But how do different institutions, especially universities, engage with the significance of this heritage? And how do contemporary architects – consciously or unconsciously – integrate heritage into their creative processes? These questions open up exciting and diverse perspectives worldwide.
The integration of heritage into contemporary architecture is a multifaceted field of research. It requires engagement with historical contexts, cultural identity, and innovative design approaches. Successful architectural firms often address these challenges in unique ways.
In our Lounge discussion, we aim to explore various approaches together with experts from architecture, art, culture, and science. Through scientifically grounded lectures and concrete case studies from Austria and the Middle East, we will examine how heritage is addressed in different cultural and geographical contexts.
We warmly invite you to join this interdisciplinary exchange, offering both theoretical insights and practical perspectives.
Guests and contributions
Caroline Jaeger-Klein, opens an external URL in a new window, Faculty of Architecture and Planning
ICOMOS – 60 years of collaboration in cultural heritage and architecture
Fabian Kahr,, opens an external URL in a new window querkraft (www.querkraft.at, opens an external URL in a new window)
In Dialogue with Tradition
Alireza Taghaboni,, opens an external URL in a new window Next office (Next Office | Studio of Architectural Research and Design, opens an external URL in a new window)
Dejà vu - an Approach to the Heritage
Negar Hakim, opens an external URL in a new window, Faculty of Architecture and Planning
Ian Banerjee, opens an external URL in a new window
The language used for the panel discussion will be English, but attendees are welcome to ask questions in German.
The Lounge Talk will take place in the TUesday Lounge (Arnold Schmidt Room, formerly Kontaktraum, Gußhausstraße 27, 6th floor) at 5:30 pm. The lounge opens at 5 pm, and small snacks and drinks will be available.
We look forward to a fruitful exchange of ideas!
Your TU Vision Team
14.01 - TU Wien and the World – In Conversation with Jens Schneider
The recent award of the Prechtl Medal, named after the founder of our institution, to “our” Nobel laureate Ferenc Krausz, with the laudatory speech given by “our other” Nobel laureate Anton Zeilinger, makes the topic of “TU Wien and the world” more present than ever before in the more than 200-year history of TU Wien.
We approach this topic from a variety of perspectives, in dialogue with Rector Jens Schneider, who - together with his rectorate team - has launched an unprecedented participatory process, targeting a „futurefit“ TU Wien with a distinctly pronounced sense for community.
Bernadette Krejs,, opens an external URL in a new window Institute of Architecture and Design
Christian Hellmich, opens an external URL in a new window, Institute of Mechanics of Materials and Structures
We cordially invite you to participate and join the discussion on 14.1.2025 at 5:30 pm in the Arnold-Schmidt-Saal (formerly Kontaktraum), Gußhausstraße 27, 6th floor. The lounge will open 30 minutes prior, and you are warmly invited to enjoy cheese and beverages.
Registration is essential due to the limited seating capacity in the hall.
We look forward to a fruitful exchange of ideas!
Your TU Vision Team
28.01 - Go Global: Perspectives on TU Wien’s Philanthropic Initiatives
At the center of the discussion are TU Wien’s fundraising strategies, which play a key role in driving research, education, and innovation, fostering talent, and strengthening the societal impact of science and technology.
Our experts will explore, from various perspectives, how targeted initiatives and partnerships can enable sustainable change.
We will examine the planned activities from multiple angles: from within the institution and in the context of the strategic development process, from the perspective of actors involved in these initiatives, as well as from the viewpoint of researchers who have already benefited from them. Additionally, we will take a closer look at international peers.
Join us and take part in the discussion as we explore how TU Wien can position itself in an international context to attract philanthropic engagement beyond Austria’s borders.
- Beate Eckhardt, Philanthropy and Strategy Consultant
- Katharina Ehrmann, Institute of Applied Synthetic Chemistry
- Michael Kaiser, Head of Fundraising and Community Relations
- Klaus Malle, TU Wien Foundation
Moderation: Christian Hellmich, opens an external URL in a new window, Institute of Mechanics of Materials and Structures
The language used for the panel discussion will be German, but attendees are welcome to ask questions in English.
We cordially invite you to participate and join the discussion at 5:30 pm in the Arnold-Schmidt-Saal (formerly Kontaktraum), Gußhausstraße 27, 6th floor. The lounge will open 30 minutes prior, and you are warmly invited to enjoy snack and beverages.
We look forward to a fruitful exchange of ideas!
Your TU Vision Team
March 11 – TUesday Lounge goes Cinema with the film “Zum Vergleich”, opens an external URL in a new window, at Stadtkino
- 5:00 PM – Ticket pickup at the Künstlerhaus (Akademiestraße 13, 1010 Vienna).
- 5:30 PM – Entrance to the hall
- 6:00 PM – Start of the film screening and discussion
Registration required: you can register here, starting from 8:00 AM on March 5th.
We look forward to a fruitful exchange of ideas!
Your TU Vision Team