Overview of support services for digital teaching

On this page you will find further support services related to digital teaching at TU Vienna as well as information on upcoming continuing education courses and helpful websites.

Technical support for teaching

dekoratives Bild zum zentralen Support für die Lehre

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Zentraler Support

Adobe Stock Foto- Zentraler Support Logo

Since 1 October 2022, the central support for teaching has been available to you as a central contact point for all concerns regarding technology and infrastructure at TU Vienna. The team can be reached by telephone at extension 40040 from Monday  with helpful articles and guides on the most frequently requested topics, is available to you around the clock.to Friday during the hours 8:00-16:00.

Unser Servicedesk, inklusive Knowledge Base, opens an external URL in a new window with helpful articles and guides on the most frequently requested topics, is available to you around the clock.

You can use the praktischen Formular, opens an external URL in a new window to create a ticket directly or write an message to   zslti@tuwien.ac.at.

We strive to provide quick feedback and resolve their concerns as quickly as possible, with a special focus on finding permanent solutions to recurring problems.

Your reports are evaluated for future improvements in equipment and usability and are important guideposts for the design of teaching spaces at TU Wien.

Online Office Hour

A woman points to colourful sticky notes on the wall and several people sit at a table.

During the preparation or implementation of online courses, questions arise again and again that require a quick, preferably personal, answer. Therefore, the Digital Teaching and Learning team offers our lecturers a one-hour online office hour twice a week. During this office hour, questions about online tools (TUWEL, LectureTube, Zoom, etc.) as well as digital teaching scenarios (e.g. handling online exams) can be discussed. The Office Hours take place weekly on Tuesdays between 4 pm - 5 pm and on Thursdays between 10 am - 11 am via Zoom (Meeting-ID: 902 555 624, https://tuwien.zoom.us/j/902555624), opens an external URL in a new window.

Registration is not necessary. You enter the digital room - our moderator works through the questions in turn in a confidential atmosphere.

TUWEL documentation and video tutorials

The main tool for electronically supported teaching at the TU Vienna is TUWEL.

[Translate to English:] TUWEL Startseite

Extensive documentation and video tutorials on the central learning platform in the TUWEL Tutorials Kurs, opens an external URL in a new window

Interactive demo course on TUWEL for independent testing of TUWEL functions TUWEL Einsatzszenarien, opens an external URL in a new window.

The e-didactic reference book EDIN supports teachers who want to develop their teaching further with digital technologies. Here you will find concise, pointed descriptions of central e-didactic topics: https://colab.tuwien.ac.at/x/BQAwAw, opens an external URL in a new window

For further helpful workshops and trainings for TUWEL, the support offer of the Digital Teaching & Learning Team is at your disposal.

Netzwerk zur Lehrentwicklung an der TU Wien

[Translate to English:] Logo Netzwerk zur Lehrentwicklung

Das Netzwerk richtet sich im Allgemeinen an Lehrende an der TUW um die Vernetzungsstrategie weiter auszubauen und mit gezielter Kommunikation die Digitalisierungsfortschritte der letzten Jahre aufzuarbeiten und eventuelle blinde Flecken aufzudecken oder Anregungen sowie Kritik aus erster Hand zu erhalten. 

Weitere Informationen und News finden Sie auf der coLAB Seite Netzwerk zur Lehrentwicklung an der TU Wien, opens an external URL in a new window.

Events from 10. February 2025

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