The digital tool catalogue offers a clear presentation of the resources available in digital teaching.
This overview page offers a short description of the different standard tools for digital teaching at TU Vienna as well as further links to tutorials, courses and didactic approaches to the respective tools.
CodeRunner” is a question type plugin for the TUWEL quiz that students can use to execute program code in a variety of programming languages. The focus here is primarily on peer programming and use as an exercise task, for example as a self-assessment for students. You can access the CodeRunner demo course in TUWEL via this link, opens an external URL in a new window. There you can try out the question type and find further information (note: one-time self-enrollment required).
Etherpad enables synchronous document editing within a TUWEL course. The tool is integrated into TUWEL and does not require any external procurement. Instructions for creating and using Etherpad can be found under this link, opens an external URL in a new window. You can try out the Etherpad tool from a student perspective in the TUWEL Einsatzszenarien course, opens an external URL in a new window (note: one-time self-enrollment required).
Final Cut Pro is a programme with which you can edit and design videos and audio material, as well as create / or subtitle accessible videos.
This programme is only available for MacOS users.
Further information and ordering information can be found in the TUshop, opens an external URL in a new window.
Jupyter as a Service from dataLAB offers lecturers and students a well integrated environment for data science, machine learning and programming classes. Each class gets its own fully customized JupyterHub with guarantied hardware resources necessary to solve the given exercises.
For further information please consult the coLAB webpage of JupyterHub, opens an external URL in a new window.
MATLAB Named License (MATrix LABoratory) is an interactive program package for vector and matrix algebra.
For further information and order details please visit the TUshop, opens an external URL in a new window.
With MATLAB Grader™, you can scale assessments and automatically grade programming assignments on MATLAB® in TUWEL. MATLAB Grader can be used for both formative performance assessments with automatic feedback and summative performance assessments such as question-based tests and exams. Mehr Details finden Sie hier im Demo-Kurs zu MATLAB Grader™., opens an external URL in a new window (One-time registration in course required.)
The assessment tool is now fully integrated into TUWEL and allows teachers to set students programming tasks in MATLAB.
Further information such as access to MatLAB Grader can be found here in the MatLAB Grader How To, opens in new window (PDF).
This tool is not limited to web conferences, but also offers versatile possibilities to work together collaboratively in small or larger groups. In addition, MS Teams can also be used as a cloud service, as numerous renowned cloud services are compatible with it. Due to the large number of plug-ins, MS Teams can be supplemented at will and transformed into a truly powerful, customised tool.
- Web conferencing tool
- Collaborative work possible
- Cloud services
- Integration of numerous plug-ins possible
- More information can be found on the corresponding coLAb page: Microsoft Teams.
Similarly, all Microsoft products are explained very well in a learning path, opens an external URL in a new window. In Teams, you will find this as a light bulb icon in the left margin bar.
In order to use Microsoft Teams, you need an MS Online account. You can find more information on this in the TUshop, opens an external URL in a new window at Microsoft Teams, opens an external URL in a new window.
There is also a TU Teams community, opens an external URL in a new window where you can ask questions.
Möbius is a testing and assessment system from DigitalEd and is based on the computer algebra system Maple. It is mainly used for STEM subjects, such as mathematics for technical science studies, modelling as well as simulations.
For more information, contact the Blended Learning Methods and Applications group.
With this programme you can easily draw and design diagrams.
For further information, please refer to the TUshop, opens an external URL in a new window.
Overleaf is an online collaboration tool for LaTeX users.
ShareLaTeX/Overleaf is an online LaTeX editor that allows real-time collaboration and direct compilation of LaTeX source code to PDF via the web interface. Overleaf is a TU-external, server-based application that is accessed via a web browser.
For further information, please refer to the TUshop, opens an external URL in a new window.
Rhino is a design (CAD) software that can create, edit, analyse, document, render, animate and translate NURBS curves, surfaces and solids, SubD geometry, point clouds and polygon meshes.
Further information and ordering options can be found in the TUshop at Rhino 3D, opens an external URL in a new window.
simplemind Pro serves as a mindmapping tool e.g.: for visualisations in digital teaching.
For information and general procurement processes, please visit the TUshop, opens an external URL in a new window.
This tool offers the possibility to create and edit recordings that are to be made available later in a TUWEL course, for example, with the help of an upload in LectureTube. From simple screen recordings to the picture-in-picture function - with this tool, videos can be individually created and also set to music as desired.
- Recording of teaching units (such as lectures, exercises, etc.)
- Possibility to set PowerPoint slides to music
- Possibility to record screen content with sound
More information can be found on the corresponding coLAB page: Camtasia Studio, opens an external URL in a new window.
Zur Beschaffung des Programms besuchen Sie bitte dem TUshop, opens an external URL in a new window.
Snagit is a software for creating and enhancing screenshots (screen shots). It can also be used to photograph invisible scroll areas of a browser window. It offers options for creating your own presentations from screenshots.
- Recording screen contents
- create photo, video or audio recordings of desktop content
- integrated annotation of screenshots
More information can be found on the corresponding coLAb page: Snagit, opens an external URL in a new window.
Information on the procurement process can be found in the TUshop, opens an external URL in a new window.
With turnitin, students' work can be checked and similarity reports (plagiarism check) can be created to ensure the academic integrity and independence of submissions.
turnitin can be used in digital teaching to detect whether a piece of work has been plagiarized. This includes both final theses and other submissions, such as seminar papers, bachelor theses, project work and laboratory reports. In principle, it is possible to recognize AI-generated texts with turnitin. However, TU Wien has decided not to use this function as the methods are currently too unreliable. AI-written texts or texts that have been translated using AI are therefore not recognized as such. Further information on the general use of AI in written work can be found in this guideline.
Depending on the purpose, turnitin can be used in different contexts:
- Final theses (TISS): In the submission process for diploma and master's theses, students' final theses are checked by turnitin as part of the submission process. There is a standardized process for this in TISS.
- Submissions (TUWEL): If you want to have submissions checked with turnitin in your TUWEL course, you can use the integration of turnitin in the TUWEL task. To use turnitin in TUWEL, you must complete a training course in advance: Link to the registration portal (via TUWEL)
Further information can be found in the section Plagiatsvermeidung und akademische Integrität, opens an external URL in a new window in coLAB.