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Erasmus "Blended Intensive Programs" promote mobility in the context of blocked intensive courses designed and offered jointly by several universities.

General Information

Objectives: Erasmus Blended Intensive Programmes (BIPs) are short, intensive teaching programs using innovative learning and teaching methods, including online collaboration. For students, they allow for more flexible mobility formats that combine physical mobility with a mandatory virtual component.

Framework: At least 3 universities from EU member states or associated program countries create a joint teaching program that must include a physical mobility phase (min. 5 - max. 30 days) and a virtual component (e.g. for teamwork).

A minimum of 10 mobile, Erasmus+-funded students must participate in order for the program to be funded.

Credit: A minimum of 3 ECTS must be guaranteed for participating students.

Information on BIP-Organisation for TUW teaching staff: https://www.tuwien.at/studium/international/internationale-lehre-und-foerderprogramme/erasmus-blended-intensive-programmes, opens in new window


The grants are awarded subject to budget availability. There is no legal entitlement to the grant.

Please note that only students participating in a BIP in which the TU Wien is one of the three coordinating universities can receive a grant. Should you wish to participate in a BIP in which TU Wien is not involved in the organisation, you will receive a so-called zero grant agreement. This means you will not receive any financial support, but the mobility must be included in your Erasmus+ stay abroad quota (12 months per study cycle).

BIP - travel allowance

Organization at TU Wien

  • The International Office (IO) coordinates the ERASMUS+ program at TU Wien in cooperation with contact persons at institutes or deaneries.
  • The IO coordinates the program and pays out the grants.
  • The contact persons at the institutes provide information on academic content and select students for the stays abroad.
  • The Deans of Studies are responsible for the recognition of study abroad credits.
  • The administrative handling is done internally at the TU via a TISS application ("TISS Mobility Services").

How do I become an ERASMUS+ BIP grant holder?

Overview of the program procedure (You can find the detailed procedure on our checklist [PDF], opens a file in a new window):

  1. If you have been selected by a teacher to participate in an Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Program, register in the TISS Mobility Service in the section "Other" indicating the exact period of your stay abroad (first day = course start, last day = course end).
  2. Provide your bank details (IBAN and BIC) to julia.kohl@tuwien.ac.at.
  3. You will receive a travel allowance in accordance with the EU Commission's distance band from Vienna to the location of your host institution (measured in linear distance in kilometres according to the Erasmus+ Distance Calculator https://erasmus-plus.ec.europa.eu/resources-and-tools/distance-calculator). If you are travelling in an environmentally friendly way (carpool with at least two people incl. driver, bus, train, bicycle), the travel allowance is higher than for non-environmentally friendly means of transport. If you are travelling more than 50% of the distance (there and back!) in an environmentally friendly way, please sign the declaration on oath for environmentally friendly travel, send it to julia.kohl@tuwien.ac.at and keep all travel receipts for 10 years in case of audits.
  4. If you fall into the category of students with fewer opportunities (students with children in need of care who are taken to the place of study. Students with disabilities. Students with chronic illness, if this causes increased financial expenses.), a one-time TopUp in the amount of 100€ can be requested. Appropriate proof must be sent to julia.kohl@tuwien.ac.at. The announcement must be made before signing the contract. Later announcements cannot be considered.
  5. At least 3 ECTS have to be completed within the framework of the BIP, which will be credited to the study program. For this purpose, a Learning Agreement must be completed and signed by the Dean of Studies: https://www.tuwien.at/en/studies/international/studying-abroad/application-forms/erasmus-blended-intensive-programmes.
  6. Inform julia.kohl@tuwien.ac.at whether you are receiving Studienbeihilfe in Austria or not.
  7. With this necessary information, your grant agreement will be drawn up. It is essential that you sign this contract before the start of your mobility. Therefore, please make sure that the IO has all the necessary information in time!
    In order to be able to complete all administrative steps (Learning Agreement, travel tickets, TISS application, grant agreement, etc.) in time, you should calculate approximately one month for preparation.
    If you do not sign the grant agreement in time or do not submit the required information in time, you will not be able to receive financial support.

Contact at the International Office

Julia Kohl
[T]: +43 1 58801 41507

Application forms, documents