"Staff Training" supports the training of TUW staff in the industry, educational institutions and universities.

At TU Wien, this EU-funded programme is coordinated by the International Office.

Contact in the International Office:

Mag.a Simone Haselbauer, Tel.: +43 (0)1 58801 41550, simone.haselbauer@tuwien.ac.at

General information:

Objective: Training of university staff (academic and administrative) in enterprises, educational institutions and universities. The stay at the host institution can take a variety of forms: short periods of work, job shadowing, study visits, workshops, organised staff training week, etc. Participation in conferences cannot be funded.

Requirements: If the host institution is a university, it must have an Erasmus+ Charter for Higher Education (ECHE). There is no need of an Erasmus+ contract between the host university and TU Wien but for your information you can find here the Erasmus+ partner universities of TU Wien (as of 2023/24), opens a file in a new window. You can inquire directly at the respective department. However, there is no guarantee that you will be accepted.

Programme countries:  The 27 EU Member States, UK (till academic year SJ 2022/23), Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, FYR Macedonia, Turkey.

Duration of stay: a minimum of 2 days up to a maximum of 2 months.

The stay is financed by TUW from the funds of the Erasmus+ Programme. Travel and hotel expenses are reimbursed based on receipts and daily flat rates. Travel to and from the airport with public transport (taxis in justified exceptional cases only) counts as part of the journey. Please pay attention to economy costs!
If the stays exceed one week or if there are participation fees, please indicate an additional source of funding if possible, as Erasmus+ funding for staff mobility is limited.

Travel green with the Interrail Pass for Erasmus+, opens an external URL in a new window = train ticket that allows unlimited travel on participating European train networks, ferries and public transport companies for either 4 or 6 days within a 6-month period. The pass can therefore also be used to visit your host country or neighboring countries during your stay abroad. The pass is only available to Erasmus+ participants, students and staff residing in a European country.

TU Wien - basic data for project applications:

  • Erasmus+ Code: A WIEN02
  • PIC-Code (Participant Identification Code): 999979888
  • OID (Organisation Identification): E10209415

Staff Training Week - recent offers:

  • see the websites of universities in programme countries
  • Portal iMOTION -  more >>
  • EULiST Partneruniversität: IMT Mines Albi, France, Staff Week on Managing Across Cultures in a World of Transitions, Nov. 25-29, 2024; Flyer (PDF) >>
  • EULiST Partneruniversität: Università degli Studi dell’Aquila, Italy, Staff Week on Artificial Intelligence: Opportunities and Challenges, Oct. 16-18, 2024  (www.univaq.it/news_home.php?id=17827)

Organisation and implementation:

Before the training:

  • Contact the International Office (Haselbauer) and enquire about the availability of Erasmus funding.
  • Discuss the content and time of the training with your Head of Department/Chief.
  • Fill in the “Mobility Agreement – Training” form, let it sign by your Head of Department/Chief in the section “Sending Institution/Responsible Person”, forward the form for signature to the host institution (training provider) and then send the completed and signed Mobility Agreement to the International Office (Haselbauer). Note: No originals are required!
  • Apply for a business trip in SAP-Services and quote internal order  number (Innenauftrag) "EUM063010008". In the field “Purpose of the trip”, please indicate “Erasmus+ Training”.
  • Once your travel request has been approved, you will receive the Erasmus+ Grant Agreement by e-mail for signature.

After the training:

  • After the end of your stay, ask the host university to confirm your training (form or certificate of attendance) and submit the form to the International Office (Haselbauer).
  • Submit your travel accounting in SAP-Services and send the original supporting documents to the International Office (E063-01).
  • After the settlement, you will receive an e-mail containing a link to a report, which you must complete online.