TU Wien will cover the travel and accommodation costs for TU staff travelling abroad for the purpose of initiating or continuing research and academic cooperation with universities which have not concluded a valid partnership agreement with TU Wien (see Guidelines).

GUIDELINES for the use of the mobility grant financed from "Funds for International Relationships"

1. Eligible beneficiaries

A mobility grant for a trip abroad provided from the “Funds for International Relationships” can only be applied for by TU Wien staff with a valid employment contract (except for project assistants/lectors).
There is no legal entitlement to this funding.

2. Eligible activities

The funding is foreseen for the initiation of research and academic cooperation. (ATTENTION: funding of lecturing, participation in international conferences, excursions, workshops or summer schools is not possible!)
From budgetary reasons, max. 2 staff members of the same institute can be financed per visit.
Each applicant can apply for a maximum of € 2500 per budget year for travel abroad!

3. Application

Travel requests can be made in SAP Services, opens an external URL in a new window between 6 months and 3 weeks prior to departure. Please break down the estimated cost comprehensibly and justify your application. Please note that stays at several institutions in the same country count as one stay if they are consecutive!
In the cost allocation field, the internal order (“Innenauftrag“) GEV063010FAU must be entered.
The submitted travel request will be subsequently processed by the International Office of TU Wien being the responsible financial department.

4. Eligible costs

Travel costs:

√ up to 400 km distance: 2nd class train fare;
√ more than 400 km distance: 1st class train fare, sleeping car compartment (double) if necessary;
√ more than 800 km distance: airfare (economy fare);
√ Travel to and from the airport (only if using public transport);
! If using your own car, a transport subsidy will be reimbursed!
¤ NO mileage allowance, NO parking fees!
¤ NO taxi fares, NO hire cars!
¤ NO visa fees!
¤ NO travel and cancellation insurance!

Costs of stay for up to 10 days:

√ For a stay of up to 10 days, you can apply for an accommodation allowance based on the costs of a mid-range hotel up to a maximum amount of €100 per night.
! Reimbursement is carried out on the basis of invoices/receipts!
! Only accommodation costs will be paid!
¤ NO daily flat rate, NO restaurant expenses!
¤ NO telephone costs!
¤ NO conference fees!

Costs of stay for more than 10 days (max. 30 days):

√ For a stay of more than 10 days, the hotel costs cannot be reimbursed on the basis of receipts. Instead, country-specific flat rate for accommodation will be paid for the entire duration of stay. Please take this into account when submitting your travel application!
Information on the country-specific flat rates for accommodation can be found on the pages of the Accounting Department  Documentations/Travel Management (Reisemanagement).
¤ NO daily flat rate, NO restaurant expenses!
¤ NO telephone costs!
¤ NO conference fees!

Each applicant can apply for a maximum of € 2500 per budget year for travel abroad!

5. Approval by the International Office

The approval of travel costs based on your costs estimate is carried out electronically in SAP Services, opens an external URL in a new window by the International Office being the responsible department for the budget. You can edit your application at any time, and add any missing information until the approval.
Subsequently, your leave of absence must be approved by the head of your organisational unit

6. Reimbursement

Travel accounting in SAP Services, opens an external URL in a new window must be completed within 3 months from the end of the business trip. More information can be found on the website of the Accounting Department/Travel Management, opens an external URL in a new window.

7. Payment

The mobility grant is usually paid on the 15th and 30th of the month, but on the 2nd and 4th Monday of the month for civil servants (“Beamte”). To meet the relevant payment deadline, the travel expense statement must be approved by the International Office at least 5 working days in advance.

8. Short report

Based on the provision of the grant, the applicant is obliged to produce a short written report about the trip abroad and to submit it directly to the International Office within 14 days of the end of the trip. You will find the reporting form here >>, opens a file in a new window.

9.  Contact

Contact person for mobility grants in the International Office:
Mag. Diana TSENOVA
E-mail: diana.tsenova@tuwien.ac.at
Tel.:  (01) 58801 41557

10. Additional financing requests

In the case of additional financing commitments from other parties (dean’s office, FWF, etc.), the International Office must be informed, and may ask for partial repayment. Furthermore, any changes to details provided by the applicant, especially changes to the duration of stay or the cancellation of the trip abroad, must be communicated to the International Office immediately.

11. Cancellation of trips abroad

Please note that neither cancellation fees for unstarted journeys, nor cancellation insurance can be financed from this budget!