FAQ - frequently asked questions

ECTS credits are awarded based on the amount of effort required to complete each course. The official workload of a semester is comprised of 30 ECTS credits.  

Note: Please keep in mind that the average time taken by local students to complete their studies at TU Wien is more than the official length of studies (for Bachelor, 6 semesters and Master, 4 semesters). This means that the average workload is less than 30 ECTS credits.

A workload of 30 credits per semester or 60 credits per year should therefore be considered as more than an average Austrian student would perform during a year.

Come to one of the Orientation Sessions to get approved and receive all the information about the enrolment (Tucard, student registration number, PIN, payment information of the students’ union fee) at TU Wien. Please bring your passport or ID card.

Paniglgasse 16, 1040 Wien, 1st floor

Underground station: Karlsplatz or Taubstummengasse

Our opening hours:
Monday and Thursday: 9:30-11:30 a.m. and 1:30 - 4:30 p.m.
Wednesday: 9:30-11:30 a.m.

> Map, opens in new window

The TUcard is your Student ID Card. You will receive your student ID Card in the Orientation Session. As soon as you see your status as “reported continued” in your student account (3-4 workdays after you paid the students’ union fee), you need to validate your TUcard at one of the designated kiosks.

In case you lose your TUcard, you need to order a duplicate at cost via your TISS Account: https://www.tuwien.at/en/tu-wien/organisation/service-providers/admission-office/tucard/, opens an external URL in a new window

  • your passport or personal ID card.

Please ask the Erasmus-coordinator or the Erasmus student advisor of your home university, which courses you should attend at TU Wien before leaving. If you need further assistance, you could also get in contact with your Academic Adviser at TU Wien.

For more information about your courses and the registration process, please check TISS. If you go to "Courses", opens an external URL in a new window you can search for courses and get more detailed information about them. You can also search for courses held in English if you use the option for extended search. An overview of all academic programs and courses you can find in TISS under "Academic Programs", opens an external URL in a new window.

How to get your TISS Pin Code → see point 2.

Print out your transcript of records from your student account under student self service. Transcripts of records are valid documents that are officially produced by TU Wien in electronic form and have the official signature of TU Wien. Authenticity and integrity can be checked at http://pruefung.signatur.rtr.at, opens an external URL in a new window. Detailed information about the electronic signature can be found at https://www.tuwien.at/en/tu-wien/contact/legal-notice/official-signature, opens in new window.

You have access to your account until 1 month after the end of the semester. If you cannot log in your TU account anymore, please contact us at exchangein@tuwien.ac.at.

We don’t send any hard copies by mail.

If you have been waiting for your certificates for quite a long time, please contact your examiner directly.

ATTENTION: For the INNES German Course you receive a separate certificate incl. grade, 6 ECTS, TU-Logo. You have to include the course into your learning agreement but it is not possible to list this course on your transcript of records from TISS.

Yes, it is possible to prolong the stay from winter to summer semester. Therefore, your university should send a confirmation email to exchangein@tuwien.ac.at. It‘s important to inform us – otherwise you cannot get enrolled again!

To buy the “Semesterticket” for public transport, you need the following documents:

  • Your TUcard or Studienblatt (=record of studies) which you have to generate in your student account under “Student Self Service” (only available after you have been to the Orientation Session + payment confirmation of the students’ union fee;
    Confirmation of registration which you have to generate in your student account under “Student Self Service” (only available after you have been to the Orientation Session and once you have finished the enrolment);;
  • Form „Semesterkarte“ (available at the Wiener Linien shops).

Bring the documents to the shop of Wiener Linien, opens an external URL in a new window at the underground station "Karlsplatz". The opening hours are from MON-FRI from 6:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.

All students who are younger than 26 years old and who are enrolled as students can buy the “Semesterticket”.

The Mensa, opens an external URL in a new window is located at the Freihaus building, Wiedner Hauptstraße 8-10, 1040 Wien or at Gußhausstraße 27-29.

Get the „Mensapickerl“ of the students’ union to use the Mensa to reduced prices: Students' union, opens an external URL in a new window

> Map, opens in new window

Join the Welcome Weekend and the First Contact Evenings organized by the ESN Buddynetwork of TU Wien. Meet Austrian and international students at the meetings. Please find more information at the Buddynetwork Homepage, opens an external URL in a new window.

e.g. Social Erasmus "Share & Care" organized by the ESN Buddynetwork:  https://www.facebook.com/events/1614197628864058, opens an external URL in a new window

You can search for a doctor under https://www.wien.gv.at/english/health-socialservices/doctors, opens an external URL in a new window.

Students from the EU can use their own insurance card (https://ec.europa.eu/social/main.jsp?catId=559, opens an external URL in a new window) for medical services. To receive free medical treatment, please see a National Health doctor (who treats non-privately insured patients) = “Kassenarzt”.

Students from non-EU member states who do not have health insurance may purchase an Austrian student health insurance ("Studierendenselbstversicherung”) for a monthly fee of about € 60.- with the national health insurance carrier “Österreichische Gesundheitskasse”, http://www.gesundheitskasse.at, opens an external URL in a new window.

In the framework of the Erasmus+ program, trainees could be enrolled as mobility students – if at least one month of the period will be spent during the semester, e.g. trainees cannot be enrolled in the case the traineeship takes place from July to September.

Mobility students have to pay the fee for the students’ union and are therefore covered by the students’ accident and liability insurance. This insurance also covers accidents during travels made for work purposes and accidents on the way to work and back from work.

For more information on how to get enrolled at TU Wien, please email to exchangein@tuwien.ac.at.

Please notice that this guide is addressed to students who are starting a full degree programme at TU Wien. That means, the information on recognition/study performance is NOT relevant for exchange student. But you will find a good overview on course types, tools, communication channels, study rooms of TU Wien: https://www.tuwien.at/en/studies/teaching-at-tu-wien/strategic-education-development-center/guide-for-new-students, opens in new window.

Find also “FAQs” that are useful, e.g. on mobile phone or bank account, on the webpage of the ESN Buddynetwork: www.buddynetwork.at/faq, opens an external URL in a new window