The documents officially produced by TU Wien in electronic form have the official signature of TU Wien. This shows that the document is an official document of the TU Wien.

The official signature can thus be used to verify the origin of a document and its conformity with a copy that remains with the issuer.

The official signature consists of

  • figurative mark,
  • the indication that the document has been officially signed, and
  • Information on the verification of the electronic document and the printouts of the document.

TU Wien uses the following figurative mark:

[Translate to English:] Bildmarke der TU Wien

Verification of an officially signed electronic document

You can check an officially signed electronic document for authenticity and integrity at, opens an external URL in a new window.

Verifying the printout of an Officially-Signed Electronic Document

Verification is to be understood as confirmation that the document in question as an expression originates from the authority listed there. If you want to verify an officially signed document of TU Wien, please contact