Information and Communication Technology - News

What waves know about their surroundings

Schematic illustration of the experimental setup that was used to measure the flow of information.

Waves pick up information from their environment through which they propagate. A theory of information carried by waves has now been developed at TU…

Do Machines See Like we do?

group picture

Researchers at TU Wien have investigated how an artificial intelligence categorizes images. The results show astonishing similarities to visual…

High-tech Gemstones for Nuclear Science

[Translate to English:] Mann mit transparentem Kristall zwischen den Fingern
© Foto Wilke

Special thorium-containing crystals, developed over many years at TU Wien, were crucial in tracking down the long-sought thorium transition.

The Long Search for the Thorium Transition

Mann am Lasertisch

The story of a decades-long mystery: How much energy is needed to switch a thorium nucleus from the lowest energy state to the next higher energy…

Nanofibers rid water of hazardous dyes

two people in front of a wall with web-like grafitti

Dyes, such as those used in the textile industry, are a major environmental problem. At TU Wien, efficient filters have now been developed – based on…