Information and Communication Technology - News

Robot Learns How to Clean a Washbasin

[Translate to English:] Roboterarm mit Waschbecken

TU Wien (Vienna) has developed a learning robot. If shown how to clean a sink, it can imitate human motions and adapt its knowledge flexibly to…

Three ERC grants for TU Wien

Esther Heid, Florian Glöcklhofer and Marco De Paoli
© Ulrich Zinell | Imperial College London | privat

Huge success with this year's ERC Starting Grants: Esther Heid, Florian Glöcklhofer and Marco De Paoli receive highly endowed funding.

Customised Thermal Radiation

thermal radiation

Normally, thermal radiation is a product of randomness, described by the laws of statistical physics. TU Wien and the University of Manchester show…