
Portrait photo of Simon Panyella Pedersen

Simon Panyella Pedersen

My research concerns the nonlinear optics and photonic dynamics arising from ordered atomic arrays, focusing on two avenues of study. The first is the study of correlations in the emitted light of a double-lattice configuration of two-level atoms, forming a manner of atomic cavity, and the resulting effective photon-photon interactions and many-body dynamics of the system. The second is the study of continuous time crystal phases in lattices of three-level atoms, and the possibility for classifying continuous time crystals according to the underlying nonlinearities or corresponding mean-field behaviour.

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Portrait photo of Jan Philipp Kumlin

Jan Philipp Kumlin

In my research, I study the effects of the interaction of light with low-dimensional systems, such as two-dimensional configurations of atoms in optical lattices, excitons in solid-state structures, and atoms coupled to a one-dimensional waveguide. I am particularly interested in the nonlinear optical effects in these systems caused by the interactions between individual emitters.

The goals of my research are to gain a fundamental understanding of these interacting quantum many-body systems, including collective and cooperative effects and nonequilibrium phases, and to harness the nonlinear effects in these systems for applications in quantum information processing.

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Portrait photo of Matteo Ciardi

Matteo Ciardi

In my research, I deal with numerical techniques for the simulation of quantum many-body systems. I specialize in strongly-interacting boson systems at finite temperature, studying observables such as superfluidity and Bose-Einstain condensation to look for exotic phases of matter, with an eye to experiments especially with ultracold atoms and molecules.

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Portrait photo of Rocio Saez-Blazquez

Rocío Sáez-Blázquez

My work is mainly focused on the theoretical modelling of quantum optical phenomena in molecular and solid-state platforms. I am particularly interested in the study of strong light-matter interactions and their use to enhance processes such as exciton transport and the generation of photon correlations. My recent activity in the field of ultrastrong light-matter coupling includes the derivation of effective Hamiltonians for nonperturbative cavity QED systems and the study of diverse vacuum effects and cavity-induced mechanisms.

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[Translate to English:] Portrait photo of group member Kasper Pedersen

Kasper Ronning Pedersen

I joined the group as a PhD student 01.10.2023. A main theme of my PhD is dipolar physics in quantum many-body systems, which I study using field-theoretical methods. At the moment, I study phases of bosonic dipolar systems, as well as the physics of exciton-polaritons in cavity-embedded two-dimensional materials.

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[Translate to English:] portrait photo of group member Daniel Holleufer

Daniel Holleufer

My research focuses on the coupling between light and matter and the various phenomena that arise from this coupling. In particular, I have investigated superradiant phase transitions in various systems such as cavity QED, waveguide QED, and an atomic cloud coupled to the free space continuum of electromagnetic modes. Other phenomena I have investigated in some of these systems also include squeezing of both light and atomic spin, as well as bunching and antibunching of light.

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Portrait photo of Felix Russo

Felix Russo

I research light scattering in complex media and light-matter interaction. For example, during a recent project, I studied how electromagnetic radiation transports Fisher information through a disordered system. Currently, I am investigating the nonlinear optical response of Rydberg atomic arrays. In my future research, I aim to combine my expertise in complex scattering theory and quantum optics.

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