
The 16th European Conference on Surface Crystallography and Dynamics (ECSCD-16) and the 14th International Conference on the Structure of Surfaces (ICSOS-14) will be held at TU Wien, Vienna, Austria, from June 2 to 6, 2025.

Important Dates

2024-Nov-05 Registration and Abstract Submission Open
2025-Jan-15 ICSOS Prize Nominations Deadline
2025-Mar-31 Abstract Submission Deadline
2025-Apr-27 Abstract Acceptance Notification
2025-May-12 Registration Deadline
2025-Jun-02–06 Conference – see you in Vienna!
2025-Jun-06–07 Satellite LEED I(V) Workshop
Important Dates

Conference Supporters

Support for the conference is provided by:

  • Scienta Omicron
  • SPECS Group
  • Schaefer-Tec
  • Special research program "TAming COmplexity in materials modelling", TACO
  • Horizon Europe Twinning project "Scientific excellence in Nano-CATalysis at the Heyrovsky Institute", NanoCat
  • Cluster of Excellence "Materials for Energy Conversion and Storage", MECS


Supporter Logos

Information about the Conference

Information on the conference is also collected in the conference flyer, opens an external URL in a new window. It is well suited to be pinned up at your institute!

The European Conference on Surface Crystallography and Dynamics (ECSCD) and the International Conference on the Structure of Surfaces (ICSOS) will discuss the recent advances in the characterization of dynamical processes and structure of surfaces, as well as their interplay, at the atomic length scale. The first edition of the ECSCD conference took place in Erlangen (Germany) in 1985, and the first ICSOS conference was organised in Berkeley (United States) in 1984. They have become well-established meeting points for the surface science community. In their upcoming 16th and 14th edition, respectively, they will tackle two-dimensional materials, single molecules on surfaces, characterization by LEEM, PEEM, and LEED-IV, oxides, solid-liquid interfaces, and other representative topics of present-day surface science. Following the ECSCD and ICSOS traditions, networking between experimentalists and theoreticians will be encouraged, bringing together experienced and young researchers working in the field.

Erlangen, Germany (1985) Berkeley, USA (1984)
Cambridge, United Kingdom (1988) Amsterdam, The Netherlands (1987)
San Miniato, Italy (1991) Milwaukee, USA (1990)
Aarhus, Denmark (1993) Shanghai, China (1993)
Banz, Germany (1995) Aix-en-Provence, France (1996)
La Grande Motte, France (1998) Vancouver, Canada (1999)
Leiden, Netherlands (2001) Newcastle, Australia (2002)
Segovia, Spain (2004) Munich, Germany (2005)
Vienna, Austria (2007) Salvador, Brazil (2008), opens an external URL in a new window
Reading, United Kingdom (2010) Hong Kong (2011)
Edinburgh, United Kingdom (2012) Warwick, UK (2014), opens an external URL in a new window
Trieste, Italy (2015) , opens an external URL in a new window Atlanta, USA (2017), opens an external URL in a new window
Donostia-San Sebastian, Spain (2017), opens an external URL in a new window  
Online only (2021), opens an external URL in a new window  
Grainau, Germany (2023), opens an external URL in a new window Grainau, Germany (2023), opens an external URL in a new window
list of previous ICSOS&ECSDC conferences


The photo, opens an external URL in a new window on the top of the page shows a view of Vienna from the planned conference location, the top floor of the high-rise building of the TU Wien in downtown Vienna. However, we don't promise that you will see a rainbow during the conference.

The logo, opens an external URL in a new window depicts the silhouette of St. Stephen's Cathedral, opens an external URL in a new window in Vienna's city centre. The cathedral is visible in the photo of the rainbow on the right-hand side between the primary and the secondary bow. The roof was filled with a colour-coded STM image of the AgI surface obtained in our laboratory, resembling the fishbone structure and the real colours of the cathedral's roof.