Biophysics News

picture of Simon Jaritz
© IAP i Schütz Group

We welcome Simon Jaritz to our group who joins us for his PhD.


picture ot the Superresolution Research Team
© IAP i Schütz

How to outwit the laws of nature - but not quite

The Schütz Group team during a Skype meeting
© IAP i Schütz Group

Due to the protective measures of the Austrian government and TU Wien, the Biophysics group is working from home office.

picture of Andreas Arnold
© IAP i Schütz Group

With his work on investigating Plasma Membrane Nanostructures with Single Molecule Microscopy, Andreas Arnold obtained his doctoral degree.

[Translate to English:] Mario Brameshuber erhält den Christian Doppler Preis 2019
© TU Wien I Biophysics

Mario Brameshuber was awarded the Christian Doppler Prize in the category "Molecular Biosciences and Neurosciences"

picture of Caroline Kopittke
© Tu Wien I Biophysics

We welcome Caroline Kopittke to the group as she begins studying her PhD.

picture of Arjun Sharma
© TU Wien I Biphysics

Welcome to our new Post Doc Arjun Sharma who joins us from the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre.