New topic suggestions for theses at MOVE!

Looking for a topic from the mobility sector for your master's thesis? Here is some fresh inspiration!

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Suggestions for topics in the field of mobility for your thesis 

If you are interested in a topic from the master thesis list, please send a disposition (about two pages) to the designated contact person.

If you would like to present your own topic, please send a disposition to the designated contact person.

If you would like to present your own topic, please contact The disposition is forwarded internally to relevant persons, from whom you then receive feedback and, if necessary, an invitation to an appointment.

The disposition should have the following contents:

  • Motivation
  • Chosen topic and brief outline of the problem
  • Possible research questions and methodology
  • Rough outline of the thesis
  • Literature list with assessment of relevance
  • Rough timetable

Please note that, in accordance with the Master's degree curriculum for Spatial Planning and Development, the topics to be dealt with should have a clear spatial plannning and mobility reference and the role that spatial planning plays (or can play) in each case must also be mapped out.