Our mission

fem*PHYS - network of women in physics

fem*PHYS - women in physics

  • Promote valuable networking opportunities
  • Motivate female students to pursue research careers
  • Showcase the incredible work and achievements of female scientists
  • Share information and experiences


Join us as we create a vibrant, supportive environment where women in physics can thrive and succeed!


[Translate to English:] Frauennetzwerk Meeting

Our second lunch meeting, we were discussing specific needs of female physicists and future actions of our network

[Translate to English:] Einladung zur Podiumsdiskussion zum Thema „fe+male empowerment
© TU Wien Career Center

On December 17 at 4:30 pm, the TU.impact mentoring program will shed light on the topic of fe+male empowerment from various perspectives

the participants of the femPhys Lunch Meeting in October

On October 18, 2024, numerous participants met for the first FemPhys Lunch Meeting - an inspiring exchange in an open and motivating atmosphere!