Picture of the Campus Getreidemarkt

© Matthias Heisler

Institutes of the Faculty of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

Institute E302 - Energy Systems and Thermodynamics [Translate to English:] Institut für Energietechnik und Thermodynamik Logo

The Institute for Energy and Thermodynamics (IET) is structured into three areas: Energy Systems and Thermodynamics (Prof. Haider). Fluid-Flow Machinery (Prof. Bauer) and Industrial Energy Systems (Prof. Hofmann). Teaching covers the fundamentals and the application aspects of Energy technology and Digitalization. The laboratory has electrical supply of 700kW-e, >1 MW-t heating and cooling capacity and a height of 12 meters. The lab allows to test external industrial equipment and to build pilot plant test rigs for research projects. IET cultivates collaboration with industry and maintains specific competences and expertise in the fields of analysis, simulation, optimization and in experimental testing methods.

Institute E307 - Engineering Design and Product Development IKP Logo

Based on design theory, method based product development, machine elements, mechanical engineering informatics, biomechanics and tribology, the institute's research groups work on applications in their specific areas of materials handling, logistics, aviation gearboxes, rehabilitation technology and sustainable product development/Ecodesign. This results in synergy effects and collaborative R&D projects. In these, numerical methods (finite element methods, multi-body simulation, bulk material simulation, tools for life cycle assessment etc.) are used and partly further developed. With the help of self-developed test benches (gear test benches, bulk material test benches, wheel-rail test bench etc.), components and machines are experimentally analyzed. In rehabilitation technology, human body functions are analyzed and improved.

If you are interested in one of the above topics, please contact us under: sek@ikp.tuwien.ac.at

Institute E308 - Materials Science and Technology E308_IWT_3:2

The Institute for Materials Science and Technology evolved from the Institute of Materials Science and Materials Testing in 2004, which, in turn, emerged from the Institute of Mechanical Technology I and Construction Materials in 1980. Roughly 110 persons are currently working on materials-related research topics. The activities include polymers and metallic alloys as well as functional coatings or additively manufactured components for structural or biological application. Our research is based on state-of-the-art experimental characterization, which is combined with modeling and simulation from atomic scale up to engineering dimension.

Institute E311 -Production Engineering and Photonic Technologies IFT

The Institute of Production Engineering and Photonic Technologies (IFT) covers research and academic education in the fields of manufacturing technology, machine tools, control technology and integrated systems, production metrology and adaptronic systems as well as laser-based manufacturing. Besides experimental investigations, the virtualization and digitalization are core topics of our research activities. Applying our knowledge on industrial applications, we are dedicated to the design of new and innovative solutions for machine tools and manufacturing processes. With our tradition of more than 200 years of academic research in respective topics, IFT aims to be one of the leading research facilities in Austria with international significance.

Institute E315 - Powertrains and Automotive Technology Logo of the Institute E315

The Institute for Powertrains and Automotive Technology of the Faculty for Mechanical and Industrial Engineering is highly recognised for research and development in the field of vehicles with special focus on powertrain. The core competencies are, along with academic education, the development, analysis and optimisation of conventional and alternative propulsion technology. Research interests are combustion methods, exhaust gas aftertreatment, heat management, fuel cell systems, hybrid- and electric-vehicles as well as alternative fuels. The modern and extensive equipment on test benches, measurement devices and simulation tools enable leading world-class research and education.

Institute E317 - Lightweight Design and Structural Biomechanics Logo des Institutes E317

At the Institute of Lightweight Design and Structural Biomechanics we develop novel computational, numerical and experimental methods for understanding structure-function relationships in lightweight structures, musculoskeletal systems, composite materials, biological tissues and biomaterials. Synergies arise as similar principles are used by nature as in lightweight design. Analogies go beyond structural morphology of engineered and biological systems and are also manifested in the structure of the underlying composite materials and tissues. Through our work we aim to uncover fundamental mechanisms,  predict mechanical behavior of materials & structures and develop engineering innovations to help people.

Institute E322 - Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer [Translate to English:] ISW Logo

Fluid mechanics is based on three mutually complementary approaches: theoretical modelling, experimental methods, and numerical simulation. In these areas the institute carries out application-oriented basic research and research-led teaching. It is the institute‘s primary objective to make substantial contributions toward the solution of current problems in the field of fluid mechanics. An important aspect is the achievement of a deeper physical understanding of fluid-mechanical transport processes. The institute is an attractive partner for students as well as for industries that are strongly interested in a unified approach based on physics-based mathematical modelling and computational analysis. We offer solutions to engineering problems related to scientific and applied fluid mechanics, to heat and mass transfer, as well as to fluid-structure interaction.

Institute E325 - Mechanics and Mechatronics Institut für Mechanik und Mechatronik E325 Logo

Modern technical devices such as vehicles and industrial facilities increasingly require the synergetic interaction of mechanical and electronic components. This led to the emergence of mechatronics as a discipline. In the field of mechanics, the focus is put on modelling and analysis of structures, mechanisms and dynamic processes using sophisticated analytical and numerical methods. However, many problems that occur in industrial applications can be solved only by adding elements from electronics and computer science domains. For example, control engineering concepts are essential for optimising a process, while modern measurement and actuator technologies are indispensable for its application and validation. The Institute of Mechanics and Mechatronics thus focuses on the analysis, synthesis and optimisation of mechanical and mechatronic systems, both in research and teaching. The institute is built up of four closely cooperating research divisions and is highly successful in basic and application-oriented research.

Institute E330 - Management Science IMW Logo

The Institute of Management Science’s research activities relate to the design and management of industrial enterprises. Research fields cover the optimisation of intra- and interorganisational processes and structures, innovations research, and the development of risk-based enterprise management methods and techniques to establish sustainable and competitive industrial enterprises. Research activities are based upon a multi-perspective management approach where the objective of sustainable competitiveness is addressed by means of innovative research methodologies for the different levels of a company. At the process level, industrial engineering and labour-related aspects are predominant. At the business and enterprise levels, additional economic and financial aspects are prevailing. At the enterprise level, a corporate governance framework has to be designed and implemented in order to integrate the different business activities within a competitive enterprise system.