Welcome to the Institute of Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer

At the Institute of Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer, we are committed to advancing the fundamental understanding of fluid flow and the transport processes of heat and matter. Our mission is to explore, analyze, and predict complex fluid dynamics through pioneering research and innovation, while disseminating this knowledge to the next generation of scientists and engineers. We employ advanced mathematical techniques to decipher the intricate structures of flow phenomena and use high-performance computing infrastructures for extensive numerical simulations. Furthermore, we develop and implement state-of-the-art experimental methodologies for precise flow measurement and visualization.

By expanding the frontiers of fluid mechanics, we strive to contribute to scientific excellence and address critical scientific and technological challenges to enable sustainable societal progress. Our research is driven by pressing issues such as sustainable energy production, environmental protection, and the improvement of human health. Specific research topics include, but are not limited to, bioinspired fluid mechanics, particulate flow, the dynamics of drops, bubbles, and emulsions, heat and mass transfer in porous media, turbulence, and aerodynamics. Through these focused areas, we aim to advance both theoretical and applied aspects of fluid mechanics.


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