[Translate to English:] Astrid KR

Assistant Professor

Research Group Leadership & Strategy | Institute for Management Science


Dr. Astrid Kleinhanns-Rollé is an Assistant Professor at the Institute of Management Science at the Vienna University of Technology. She co-founded the WU Executive Academy of the Vienna University of Economics and Business in 2004 and has led the business school for 16 years to become an internationally recognized provider of management and leadership development. Prior to that, she worked as a management consultant for the Boston Consulting Group. Astrid Kleinhanns-Rollé received her doctorate in Economics from the Johannes-Kepler-University Linz in cooperation with the MIT Sloan School of Management. She has been a Visiting Scholar and Research Fellow at Harvard University (Program On Negotiation), the MIT Sloan School of Management (Leaders for Manufacturing Program) and the National University of Singapore (Center of Best Practices).

Research and Teaching

Dr. Astrid Kleinhanns-Rollé's teaching and research interests are in the areas of leadership (Strategic Leadership, Leading Yourself, Leading Teams), digital leadership, virtual teams, leadership development, online education and learning.

Selected Publications

Güttel, Wolfgang H. and Kleinhanns-Rollé, Astrid (forthcoming): Strategic Leadership. Führungseffektivität durch die Orchestrierung der Leadership Value Chains, Austrian Management Review, Vol. 13

Güttel, Wolfgang H., Güttel, Christine, Kleinhanns-Rollé, Astrid and Voglmayr, René (2021): Scientific Leadership Development. In Güttel, W.H. (Hg.): Erfolgreich in turbulenten Zeiten. Impulse für Leadership, Change Management und Ambidexterity. Baden-Baden, Kapitel 2.5

Güttel, Wolfgang H. and Kleinhanns-Rollé, Astrid (2021): Leadership Landscape: Führungsfähigkeiten, Führungsidentität und Führungseffektivität. In Güttel, W.H. (Hg.): Erfolgreich in turbulenten Zeiten. Impulse für Leadership, Change Management und Ambidexterity. Baden-Baden, Kapitel 2.1

Güttel, Wolfgang H. and Kleinhanns-Rollé, Astrid (2021): Leadership Landscape: Führungsfähigkeiten, Führungsidentität und Führungseffektivität. In Austrian Management Review, 2021, Vol. 11, 11-29

Klein, Janice and Kleinhanns, Astrid (2003): Closing the Time Gap in Virtual Teams. In Gibson, Cristina; Cohen, Susan, and Baba, Meta: Virtual Teams That Work: Creating Conditions for Effective Teamwork, San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass