Venue Vienna

Public transport

The main building of TU Wien is reachable by underground U1 and U4 (Station: Karlsplatz), the “Badner Bahn” and Tram 1 und 62 (Station: Resselgasse or Karlsplatz) or Tram D, 2 and 71 (Station: Kärntner Ring, Oper)

Tickets are available at the airport, at the subway stations and in tobacco shops (Trafik). See also, opens an external URL in a new window


By car

The nearest garage is WIPARK Parking underground at TU Wien, Operngasse 13, 1040 Vienna (€4,00 per hour).

Parkgaragen in der nahen Umgebung finden Sie hier: GUT Parkgaragen Information , opens an external URL in a new window

Please note that the 4th disctrict around TU Wien is a short-term parking area. (Parking duration: 2 hours, Mo-Fr 9:00 - 22:00) Short-term parking permits are available at the following locations: tobacconists, ticket agencies and ticket machines of Wiener Linien (Karlsplatz station), ARBÖ and ÖAMTC, at selected petrol stations and cigarette machines.

Or you can use the electronic parking fee system HANDY PARKEN as an alternative. For more information, click here. , opens an external URL in a new window

Hotel cooperations

TU Wien hat cooperations with some hotels nearby. Click here for details., opens a file in a new window